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推荐 内容简介· ··· Financial trading, once the exclusive domain of institutional players, is now open to small organizations and individual traders using online platforms. The tool of choice for many traders today is Python and its ecosystem of powerful packages. In this practical book, author...
Python for Algorithmic Trading Cookbook equips traders, investors, and Python developers with code to design, backtest, and deploy algorithmic trading strategies. You should have experience investing in the stock market, knowledge of Python data structures, and a basic understanding of using Python lib...
P88.在有限的预算下建立自动交易系统(中英文字幕)Building Automated Trading System on a Shoestring Budget 2:42:06 P99. 在云端运行算法的奖励部分(中英文字幕)Bonus Section Running Your Algorithms in Cloud 1:19:00 P1010.奖金部分情绪分析(中英文字幕) Bonus Section Sentiment Analysis ...
Startyourfree trial Book description Algorithmic trading, once the exclusive domain of institutional players, is now open to small organizations and individual traders using online platforms. The tool of choice for many traders today is Python and its ecosystem of powerful packages. In this practical...
名称:《Python for Algorithmic Trading》作者:Yves Hilpisch起止时间:2022年1月1日-2022年1月7日阅读次数:1 【未来争取更多次】【缺点】对于英语不好的不怎么友好🌱写作背景计算机技术逐步成熟,通过正确的算法寻找交易的圣杯变得可行了,通过Numpy、Pandas、scikit-learn和deep learning,深入研究在寻找最终的圣杯变得可...
本文选自《 Python for Algorithmic Trading》 CHAPTER 6:Building Classes for Event-Based Backtesting。有部分修改。 import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class Backtes…
【Python For Finance: Algorithmic Trading】http://t.cn/RSiM6Mj 金融Python:算法交易。技术已经成为金融的一个财富:金融机构现在正在发展成为技术公司,而不仅仅是在金融方面的财产:除了技术带来创新速度...
Python for Algorithmic Trading: From Idea to Cloud Deployment by: Yves Hilpisch Publication Date 出版日期: 2020 Publisher finelybook 出版社: O’Reilly Media ISBN-13: 9781492053354 ISBN-10: 149205335X Book Description By finelybook Algorithmic trading,once the exclusive domain of institutional players,...
Build and test a stock trading strategy Requirements: No experience is needed, but a basic understanding of the stock market will help. Description: Unlock the world of algorithmic trading with our comprehensive course designed for all levels! This course will guide you through the basics of Pyth...