package_name="numpy"package_location=find_package_location(package_name)print("Package",package_name,"is installed at",package_location) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 这段代码使用了pkg_resources模块来查找指定包的安装位置。你需要将要查找的包的名称赋值给package_name变量,然后运行代码。代码将...
在电脑按【win+R】键打开[运行窗口]上,输入“py”以启动Python,或者在“开始”菜单中启动Python。 -See“what's new”in this release, or find more info about “using Python on Windows”。 请参阅本版本中的“新增功能”,或查找有关“在Windows上使用Python”的更多信息。 -Disable path length limit:C...
/usr/local/bin/python3.5 /home/sifsuser/pythoninstall/pip-9.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pip install --no-index --find-links=/home/sifsuser/pythoninstall/ pip-9.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl The results should showSuccessfully installed pip-9.0.1. Enter the following command to verify the v...
warn('Could not find the install location') return pyver = '%s.%s' % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) setuptools_file = 'setuptools-%s-py%s.egg-info' % \ (SETUPTOOLS_FAKED_VERSION, pyver) pkg_info = os.path.join(placeholder, setuptools_file) if os.path.exists(pkg_...
packages = find_packages(), scripts = [''], # Project uses reStructuredText, so ensure that the docutils get # installed or upgraded on the target machine install_requires = ['docutils>=0.3'], package_data = { # If any package contains *.txt or *.rst files, include them...
On Windows and Unix systems, pip3 may be found in more than one location. This can happen when you have multiple Python versions installed. If you can’t find pip in any location on your system, then you may consider reinstalling pip.Instead of running your system pip directly, you can ...
or a local directory laid out in the same format.--extra-index-url <url> Extra URLs of package indexes to useinaddition to --index-url. Should follow the same rules as --index-url.--no-index Ignore package index (only looking at --find-links URLs instead).-f, --find-links <url...
If the instance of SQL Server has been installed to a non-default location, such as outside the Program Files folder, the warning ACCESS_DENIED is raised when you try to run scripts that install a package. For example: In normalizePath(path.expand(path), winslash, mustWork) : pa...
In case you mean to refer to the location of the .dist folder for files that are to reside near the binary, there is __compiled__.containing_dir that also abstracts all differences with --macos-create-app-bundle and the .app folder a having more nested structure. # This will find a ...
# $ pipenv install twine --devimportioimportosimportsysfromshutilimportrmtreefromsetuptoolsimportfind_packages,setup,Command# Package meta-data.NAME='TuringRobots'DESCRIPTION='Simple dialogue test Turing robot.'URL=''EMAIL=''AUTHOR=...