The string object has a find() method which looks for the first appeared substring(). The Syntax is: 1 "string".find(substring) For example, 1 "abc".find("b")# 1 If thesubstringis not in the string, then a -1 will be returned without errors. 1 "abc".find("bac")# -1 –...
def find_substring_in_list(substring, lst): result = [] for item in lst: if substring in item: result.append(item) return result 这个函数接受两个参数,substring是要查找的子字符串,lst是要查找的列表。它会返回一个包含所有包含子字符串的元素的新列表。 这个方法的优势是简单易懂,适用于小型列表和...
# 输出结果:H,! 2,index 代码语言:javascript 复制 s="你好,世界!"#使用index()方法获取字符串中指定字符的索引 index_of_char=s.index('好')print(index_of_char)# 输出:1#使用index()方法获取字符串中指定子串的索引 index_of_substring=s.index('你好')print(index_of_substring)# 输出:0 3,count,...
The start position is included in the returned substring, but the end position is excluded:Python Copy word[0:2] # Characters from position 0 (included) to 2 (excluded).The output is:Output Copy 'Py' Here's another example that specifies a different range:Python Copy ...
上面的代码执行后,将显示如下异常: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Traceback(most recent call last):File"D:\python3.6.5\练习文件\",line621,in<module>print('字符串“',str1,'”中*符号首次出现的位置索引为:',str1.index('*'))ValueError:substring not found...
#find my_str="hello world kjb" my_str.find("world",0,15) 输出: 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. index:功能同find,但如果没有检测到,这不会返回-1,而是报错:ValueError: substring not found my_str="hello world kjb" my_str.index("world",0,2) ...
python 自带的两个查找字符串的方法:find 和rfind. Python String find() Method Description: This method determines ifstroccurs in string, or in a substring of string if starting indexbegand ending indexendare given. beg 和 end 可以缺省,这样find整个字符串 ...
for i in range(1, 6): # 此处中文逗号要改成英文逗号 s = s + i print( s) 下面这个简单的Python程序(来自,可以用来检查字符串中是否包含非英文符号。 ''' 找出字符串中的非英文字符, 用^指出。 ''' def find_chinese_char(s): ...
good; you have good taste in clothes. The substring to find : good The start indices of the ...
s.find('peach')# 返回第一次出现的位置 1. 7 1. Docstring: S.find(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found, such that sub is contained within S[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. ...