配置完成之后点击 CONVERT .PY TO .EXE 按钮 这样我们就完成一个计算器项目的打包。 3. 查看打包效果 程序完成打包后,我们可以点击 OPEN OUTPUT FOLDER 按钮,然后就会打开打包文件的路径。 在打包文件目录中,我们可以看到一个 main.exe 文件,这就是我们打包文件。 点击main.exe ,就可以看到一个计算器程序了。
i have been trying to convert my python code to an executable file (.exe) i want to share my file with a non coder friend (he wants to play my new game which is .py) he doesn't have python 3.x and doesn't want to download it. so i need to make a installer of my code. ...
打开cmd或powershell PS D:\build> pyinstaller.exe -F -c .\demo.py150INFO: PyInstaller:3.3.1150INFO: Python:3.6.4151INFO: Platform: Windows-10-10.0.16299-SP0153INFO: wrote D:\build\demo.spec156INFO: UPX is not available.162INFO: Extending PYTHONPATH with paths ['D:\\build','D:\\bu...
简介: Python 把脚本编译打包成EXE文件 —— pyinstaller 的安装和使用 安装pyinstaller要把Python脚本编译打包成.exe可执行文件,需要安装 pyinstaller.exe 。打开windows控制台窗口cmd.exe,执行以下命令,Python会自动网络下载并安装。Microsoft Windows [版本 6.1.7601]...
请尝试执行以下操作:from babel import numbers.祝你好运!我会根据需要尽量对应的!
windows,python3 序 最近在做一个转换软件,用户指定输入文件后输出该文件转换后的结果。本来是一个比较简单的事情,但在如何让用户指定输入文件这件事上做了一些微小的工作,写出来和大家探讨探讨。 问题 最开始设计的是直接用命令行,比如我的脚本用pyinstaller打包好之后叫c.exe,那用户转换file文件时就可以将file文件...
py2exe - Freezes Python scripts (Windows). pyarmor - A tool used to obfuscate python scripts, bind obfuscated scripts to fixed machine or expire obfuscated scripts. pyinstaller - Converts Python programs into stand-alone executables (cross-platform). shiv - A command line utility for building fu...
在使用 auto-py-to-exe 打包 python 程序的时候,有许多配置选项需要我们去指定,能正确知道这些选项的作用是十分重要的。下面我将介绍其中一些重要的选项。 (1) Script Location Script Location 主要是指定我们要打包的 python 文件 (2) Onefile Onefile 下有两个选项,分别是:One Directory 和 One File ...
To convert a file into a link, select File > Save As to save the file to a location outside of the project hierarchy. Visual Studio automatically converts the file into a link. Similarly, a link can be converted back by using File > Save As to save the file somewhere within the ...
For example, to insert a new line character into a string, you would type \n. Because file paths on Windows use backslashes, some parts might be being converted into special characters. To paste a path as a string in Python, add the r prefix. This indicates that it is a raw string,...