Description of changes People have started reformatting individual packages with nixfmt, so a treewide change should get rid of that review churn. Also, we're at an ideal point to sneak in a reform...
7852 4047 15 5 years ago flasky/101 Companion code to my O'Reilly book "Flask Web Development", second edition. 7819 1775 1403 1 year, 9 months ago elastalert/102 Easy & Flexible Alerting With ElasticSearch 7806 1483 70 4 months ago english-words/103 📝 A text file containing 479k En...
In this situation, tokenizing helps to fragment large text datasets into small, readable chunks (like words). Afterwards, you can also lemmatize a word, which transforms it into its lemma form. Afterwards, it creates a pickle file to store the Python objects used to predict the bot’s respo...
993 nnabla-converter NNabla File Format Converter 2.4k 994 proxybroker [Finder/Checker/Server] Finds public proxies from multiple sources and... 2.4k 995 qrcode QR Code image generator 2.4k 996 duc Module for validating and transforming data 2.4k 997 sslyze Fast and powerful SSL/TLS scanning li...
azure-storage-file azure-storage-nspkg azure-storage-queue azure-synapse-accesscontrol azure-synapse-artifacts azure-synapse-managedprivateendpoints azure-synapse-spark b2sdk babel babelfish babelfont babelgladeextractor backcall backoff backports-cached-property backports-datetime-fromisoformat backports-entry-...
It supports console, file and remote Logstash logging via TCP socket with no effort. Support for available. [371星][18d] [Shell] matthewpierson/1033-ota-downgrader First ever tool to downgrade ANY iPhone 5s, ANY iPad Air and (almost any) iPad Mini 2 to 10.3.3 with OTA blobs ...
msg = msg % (meth, file) stacktrace.append(msg) except TypeError: pass if exception_class == UnexpectedAlertPresentException: alert_text = None if "data" in value: alert_text = value["data"].get("text") elif "alert" in value: ...
Uberi/speech_recognition - Speech recognition module for Python, supporting several engines and APIs, online and offline.kennethreitz/tablib - Python Module for Tabular Datasets in XLS, CSV, JSON, YAML, &c.gorakhargosh/watchdog - Python library and shell utilities to monitor filesystem events....
File "D:\YR\UITestAND_PICC_LP_APP01\UITestAND_PICC_LP_APP15\public\", line 650, in scroll_into_view driver.execute_script(str1, e) File "C:\yurui\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\remote\", line 405, in execute_script return self.execute(comma...
A python script COMMAND LINE utility to AUTO GENERATE SUBTITLE FILE (using free Google Speech Recognition API) and TRANSLATED SUBTITLE FILE (using unofficial online Google Translate API) for any video or audio file - botbahlul/autosrt