') return filename def readdatafile(filename): datafile = open('kalibration.txt','r') datax = []; datay = []; datae = []; i = 0 for row in datafile: i +=1 data = row.split() x = float(data[0]) datax.append(x) y = float(data[1]) datay.append(y) e = float...
...print('Handling run-time error:', err) ... Handlingrun-time error: division by zero 8.4. 抛出异常 raise语句允许程序员强制发生指定的异常。例如: >>> >>> raiseNameError('HiThere') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> NameError: HiThere raise唯...
Python内置的open()函数打开一个文件,创建一个file对象,相关的辅助方法才可以调用它进行读写。语法为: file object = open(file_name [, access_mode][, buffering]) 各个参数的细节如下: 1、file_name:file_name变量是一个包含了你要访问的文件名称的字符串值。 2、access_mode:access_mode决定了打开文件的...
filePointer = open('appFile','r') 5 IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'appFile' Advertisement Wrapping It Up In this tutorial, we saw how to get started with handling errors in Python and using the logging module to log errors. We saw the usage oftry,except, andfinally...
except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError): pass 最后一个except子句可以忽略异常的名称,它将被当作通配符使用。你可以使用这种方法打印一个错误信息,然后再次把异常抛出。 import sys try: f = open('myfile.txt') s = f.readline() i = int(s.strip()) ...
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: NameError: name 'Error_var'is notdefined >>> 抛出异常 使用raise语句抛出一个异常 print(1)raiseZeroDivisionErrorprint(5) 运行结果: >>> 1ZeroDivisionError>>> 你需要声明你要抛出的例外名称。
Handle exceptions: Use exception handling to gracefully handle errors when opening files in Python. This can help you catch and handle any errors that occur during file operations. file_path="path/to/file.txt"try:file=open(file_path,'r')exceptFileNotFoundError:print("File not found")exceptPe...
// error handling } else { // code that only works for nonzero x } 错误是一个简单的错字:x = 0 ,将 0 赋给变量 x ,而比较 x == 0 肯定是可以预期的。 已经有许多替代方案提案。大多数是为了少打一些字的黑客方案,但使用任意或隐含的语法或关键词,并不符合语言变更提案的简单标准:它应该直观地...
def errorsInLog(fname, newfileStr='D:', iserrorStr='error'): with open(fname) as inf: prev = pos = inf.tell() line = inf.readline() error = False while line: if line.startswith(newfileStr): if error: inf.seek(prev) yield(inf.read(pos-prev)) prev = pos error = False eli...
试图打开一个不存在的文件,会发生崩溃,可以用except IOError处理异常,fianlly扩展try:里面放着无论任何情况都必须运行的代码,通常是文件关闭。 >>> try: data = open("missing.txt") print(data.readline(),end='') except IOError: print("File Error") ...