从键盘输入获取一个数字,i = raw_input("input a number:"),运行程序提示错误信息:TypeError: range() integer end argument expected, got str. 原因是:raw_input获取的是字符串,输入数字时就会出现错误,需要将i转换类型:i = int(raw_input("input a number:"))。
7、Expected type ‘Union[str,bytes,CodeType]’, got ‘int’ instead 这个意思是:应为“Union[str,bytes,CodeType]”类型,改为“int” 解决:这个错误是由于类型不对应造成的,出现这个错误你需要在报错的位置仔细检查符号两边的类型,如下图就是多此一举: 例图: eval可以进行表达式运算,却又转成了int类型(...
expected = [ # fmt: off 'type_check_examples/function.py:14: error: Incompatible return value type (got "str", expected "int")', # noqa: E501 'type_check_examples/function.py:19: error: Missing positional argument "x" in call to "__call__" of "FunctionPipeline"', # noqa: E501...
>>> seq = [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> sep = '+' >>> sep.join(seq) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#25>", line 1, in <module> sep.join(seq) TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, int found 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 【 错误分析 】join是split的逆...
7. Expected type ‘Union[str, bytes, CodeType]’, got ‘int’ instead 意思是:应为“Union[str,bytes,CodeType]”类型,改为“int”。解决:此错误因类型不对应造成,仔细检查符号两边的类型即可。8. Typo: In word ‘zimu’意思是:拼写错误:在单词“子母”中。解决:若想消除此警告,...
TypeError Expected TypeError Expected int32 got tensorflow python ops variables Variable object at 0x117ea3a10 of t 今天在运行别人的demo程序的时候,发现了一个错误,百思不得其解,明明没干啥,运行别人的demo也出错,我的错误信息为 Traceback (most recent call last):File"model.py", line 23, inmodel...
b.append(item) # this one handles int and str for our emulation and ints for Python 3.x TypeError: an integer is required Error comes from pyserial, but I found this as solution http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22275079/pyserial-write-wont-take-my-string so maybe gsmmodem should handle...
解决方法: 在整数、浮点数或布尔值与字符串进行连接操作之前,先使用str()函数将其转换为字符串类型。 (2)调用函数时参数的个数不正确,或者未传递参数 报错信息: 代码语言:javascript 复制 1TypeError:input expected at most1arguments,got22TypeError:say()missing1required positional argument:'words' ...
Expectedtype'int', got'float'insteadThisinspection detectstypeerrorsinfunctioncall expressions.Dueto dynamic dispatch and duck typing,thisis possibleina limited but usefulnumberofcases.Typesoffunctionparameters can be specifiedindocstrings orinPython3functionannotations. ...
Expected type 'Optional[(int) -> Any]' (matched generic type 'Optional[(_T) -> Any]'), got '(n: SupportsAbs[_T])' -> _T' instead Inspection info: This inspection detects type errors in function call expressions. Due to dynamic dispatch and duck typing, this is possible in a limi...