通过sys.exit(1)显式返回的退出码1。 文件未找到、权限不足等错误情况。 示例代码 下面是一个简单的Python程序示例,演示了如何产生退出码1的情况: importsysdefmain():try:# 故意模拟一个除零错误num=1/0exceptZeroDivisionErrorase:print(f"发生错误:{e}")sys.exit(1)# 显式返回退出码1if__name__=="_...
在使用Python的编译器Pycharm时,出现Process finished with exit code 0 exit code 0 表示程序执行成功,正常退出。 exit code 1 表示程序执行过程中遇到了某些问题或者错误,非正常退出发布于 2023-08-14 14:53・IP 属地福建 内容所属专栏 {鹤定鹤、Python专栏} 订阅专栏 Python 入门 Python PyCharm使用技巧...
# in os._exit() method # firstly check if # os.WIFEXITED() is True or not if os.WIFEXITED(info[1]) : code = os.WEXITSTATUS(info[1]) print("Child's exit code:", code) else : print("In child process") print("Process ID:", os.getpid()) print("Hello ! Geeks") print("Ch...
hi i am new to submitting in python my code is given below: !/usr/bin/python h = input() if ((h)*(h+1)/2)%2==0: print("0") else: print("1") here is the link to the problemhttps://codeforces.com/contest/1102/problem/A ...
import _ssl # if we can't import it, let the error propagate ImportError: DLL load failed: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.(Translation: The Module can't be found.) Process finished with exit code 1 I am using Anaconda with Python3.7 as my environment. I have been updating...
因为电脑重新做了系统,导致重新做了系统,所有需要的开发软件均需要重新安装,安装完以后打开项目发现在pycharm中有些项目模块就安装不上了,比如python-Levenshtein,直接报错Non-zero Exit Code(1) 然后在安装文件里给它加了版本 python-Levenshtein==0.12.0
new_code = types.CodeType(len(varnames), TypeError: an integer is required (got type bytes) Process finished with exit code 1 I'm currently usingpython 3.8.6andpycharm 2018.3.7, I can't install the latest version of pycharm because my OS is windows 7 32bit and si...
有一个python的脚本叫a.py,让a.py模仿异常退出,linux的异常代码一般是256 a.py error_code = 256 exit(error_code) 再使用b.py用os.system外部命令调用a.py b.py import os run_status = os.system('python a.py') print(run_status) 所以b.py的运行结果应该是256,但实际执行结果是0 这个问题其实看...
│ exit code: 1 ╰─> [67 lines of output] /home/fanyi/anaconda3/envs/nemo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/dist.py:772: UserWarning: Usage of dash-separated 'description-file' will not be supported in future versions. Please use the underscore name 'description_file' instead war...