I have tested bundling the .exe with this "--debug=all" flag and appears to be working as I expected: when the config.sys isn't ok I get a "Unhandled exception in script" window with the traceback. As far as today(3 months after), it worked to me. ...
Error happens sometimes while sending data to API, but the main problem is that it's not running in background. After executing "trakts start", program 'python.exe' starts and it remains running (from Task Manager) until I close the cmd. I think this happens because pythonw,exe is not...
d:\g_Working\Z_Z_python_environment\environment\regulatory_labels\venv\Scripts\python.exe # EASY-INSTALL-ENTRY-SCRIPT: 'PyInstaller==3.3.1','console_scripts','pyinstaller' import re import sys # for compatibility with easy_install; see #2198 __requires__ = 'PyInstaller==3.3.1' try: from ...
pipeline中的代码示例: sh 'salt \'tp_inservice2\' cmd.run "start-process ZP.Crm.Task.Scheduler.Engine.exe -workingdirectory \'D:\\crmService\\ZP.Crm.Task.Scheduler.Engine1-huidu\'" shell=\'powershell\'' 1.
I still do not fully understand what exactly is that does not work for you: is this the autocompletion feature, but other features are working? or, are all features (hover, diagnostics, etc) not working at all? or, is it the extension not showing up at all? You can help by providing...
第一种是 exe 文件,这种最方便,下载满足你的电脑系统和 python 环境的对应的exe,再一路点击 next 就可以安装。 第二种是 .whl 类文件,好处在于可以自动安装依赖的包。 第三种是源码,大概都是 zip 、 tar.zip、 tar.bz2 格式的压缩包,这个方法要求用户已经安装了这个包所依赖的其他包。 例如 pandas 依赖于...
exe = EXE(pyz, a.scripts, a.binaries, a.zipfiles, a.datas, [], name='DESAT', debug=False, bootloader_ignore_signals=False, strip=False, upx=True, upx_exclude=[], runtime_tmpdir=None, console=True, disable_windowed_traceback=False, ...
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: command: 'XXX\.virtualenvs\Django_Vue_Fresh_Ecommerce-NKba4OvD\Scripts\python.exe' -u -c 'import sys, setuptools, tokenize; sys.argv[0] = '"'"'XXX\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pip-install-mu3pnz6j\\mysqlclient\\setup.py'"'"'; __file_...
pyinstaller.exe -D -F -w --exclude-module pandas --icon test.ico --add-data="icon.ico;." --distpath="E:\data" --workpath="E:\data" .\test.py 但是打包完成之后,exe程序执行报错,可以对python脚本做如下修改: import sys import tkinter as tk ...
set http_proxy= https_proxy= 4. Launch python app via the command prompt window above C:\Users\Admin\TEMP\Python2ExeApp.exe py C:\temp\pythonvirus.pyc python C:\Users\Admin\TEMP\HelloWorld.py etc Add a comment Answer...