pyqt5写完win32 应用程序后,经过pyinstaller打包成单个文件,运行弹出错误提示框:failed to execute script main pycharm中pyinstaller打包参数: Program:C:\Python\Python35\Scripts\pyinstaller.exe Parameters: -w -F $FileName$ Working directory: $FileDir$ 分析: 经google,发现pyinstaller 有--hidden-import 选项...
pyinstaller打包了一个python程序,生成的.exe文件打开后Failed to execute script main? 我遇到一相同的问题,是,目前在win10x64下编译后出现你这个问题,但不是编译的所有项目还这样。在winxpx32下编译(运行直接说不是有效win32),然后放在win10x64下
When working with Python and PyInstaller, you might come across the error message “Python PyInstaller[10436] Failed to execute script ‘main’ due to unhandled exception.” This error occurs when the PyInstaller fails to execute the main script due to an unhandled exception. In this article, we...
[15234] Failed to execute script 'main' due to unhandled exception! 解决办法: 原因分析:编译后再打包就只能找到main.py文件中导入的文件! 解决办法:办法一:使用绝对路径导入包,并在打包命令中添加–hidden-import: importmoduleName.a 隐式导入的库或模块,添加n文件名参数、p路径参数和本地py库、第三方库:...
python exe打开提示 failed to execute script 文件的读取 文件的基础操作 写入文件 a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] with open('./log.txt', 'w') as f: for i in a: f.write(i) 1. 2. 3. 4. 把列表写入文件 a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]...
PS: even stranger, when I install the app with Install.exe, if I decide to launch the app directly it works !!! But it never work a second time when I use the shortcut or the .exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\MYDIRECTORY.
-w 在程序运行的过程中隐藏后台控制的黑窗口 四、此时打开exe文件,提示failed to execute script xxx 根据百度安装了下 pyqt5==5.9.2 安装到一半提示time out (命令 pip install pyqt5==5.9.2) 又重新进行安装 ,不限版本 pip install pyqt==5.9.2 安装成功 ...
处理Fail to excute script的万能方法_Python 简介 用Python 3.6 + PYQT5开发、用pyinstall工具生成EXE文件后,执行产生“Fatal error detected”错误,提示“Failed to execute script xxxx”的错误。工具/原料 电脑、PYTHON 你的手 方法/步骤 1 1、用 pyinstaller -F 指令再次生成EXE文件(带命令窗口)...
python打包好后出现failedtoexecutescript问题 python打包好后出现failedtoexecutescript问题 我有个很不好的习惯,就是喜欢直接在class下⾯直接写class的测试⽤的代码, ⽐如这种:class SVN():def__init__(self):self.setting = { 'svn':'C:/Program Files/TortoiseSVN/bin/', # svn的程序所在路径 'url...
62 Windows- Pyinstaller Error "failed to execute script " When App Clicked 1 pyinstaller cannot use tkinter 0 Pyinstaller Failed execute script Error 5 Pyinstaller generated exe doesn't work properly 0 Pyinstaller generates the exe ok, but it does not work 1 Error wh...