第一章,“Python Scripting Essentials”,通过提供 Python 脚本的基本概念、安装第三方库、线程、进程执行、异常处理和渗透测试来打破僵局。 第二章,“Analyzing Network Traffic with Scapy”,介绍了一个数据包操作工具 Scapy,它允许用户嗅探、创建、发送和分析数据包。本章提供了使用 Scapy 进行网络流量调查、解析 DNS...
Want a Discount on the Certification Fee? When you complete the PCAP Course on Open EDG (Python Essentials Part 1 and Python Essentials Part 2), you will obtain a 50% discount voucher that reduces the exam fee to USD 147.50. You are not allowed to use an IDE. ...
Cisco Networking Academy is a skills-to-jobs program shaping the future workforce. Since 1997, we have impacted over 20 million learners in 190 countries.
Before the finish of the course, you will have a decent comprehension of the main Python dialect, Python’s incredible implicit information types, and the essentials of article situated programming in Python. You can gain experience utilizing expressive Python colloquialisms, see how modules and packs...