Python: How to iterate list in reverse order #1 for index, val in enumerate(reversed(list)): print len(list) - index - 1, val #2 def reverse_enum(L): for index in reversed(xrange(len(L))): yield index, L[index] L = ['foo', 'bar', 'bas'] for index, item in reverse_enum...
for index,value in enumerate(lst): position = order[index] - 1 new_list[position] = value if reverse==True: return new_list[::-1] else: return new_list list=['python','is','very','good','code'] numValue=[3,2,1,5,4] print(sort_by(list, numValue)) print(sort_by(list, ...
Write a Python program to traverse a given list in reverse order, and print the elements with the original index. Visual Presentation: Sample Solution: Python Code: # Create a list called 'color' containing string elements.color=["red","green","white","black"]# Print a message indicating ...
for _key, _value in self.json.items(): if current_v in _value and _key in reverseList and (index := indexReverseList[_key]) > tmp: tmp = index return reverseList[tmp] def indexReverseList(self,reverseList:list): return {value: index for index, value in enumerate(reverseList)} 运...
如果使用enumerate函数,可以同时迭代一个list的下标和元素: """ To loop over a list, and retrieve both the index and the value of each item in the list prints: 0 dog 1 cat 2 mouse """ animals = ["dog", "cat", "mouse"] for i, value in enumerate(animals): ...
LIST.extend([0,2]) #Out[8]: [5, 9, 3, 5, 6, 0, 2] '''列表任意位置插入元素,由于列表自动内存管理,insert()会引起插入位置之后所有元素的移动''' LIST.insert(2,3) #Out[10]: [5, 9, 3, 3, 5, 6, 0, 2] '''使用乘法扩展列表对象,该操作实际上是创建了一个新的列表''' ...
new_list.append(i)forindex,valueinenumerate(lst): position = order[index] -1new_list[position] = valueifreverse==True:returnnew_list[::-1]else:returnnew_list a = ['Lee','Bush','Danny','Juan','James','Liam'] b = [3,2,6,4,1,5]print(sort_by(a, b))# ['James', 'Bush'...
enumerate(list_data, start),循环过程中自动生成带序号,start指定默认起始序号值 如果要排序的元素是字符串,先按照元素的首个字符比较,如果首字符一样再排第二个字符,依次类推。 key=func,指定排序时的函数,即:通过func函数来定义排序规则 64.【lambda表达式】 lambda表达式,也叫匿名函数。 lambda表达式,本质上就...
>>> knights = {'gallahad': 'the pure', 'robin': 'the brave'} >>> for k, v in knights.items(): ... print(k, v) ... gallahad the pure robin the brave 如果是列表,那么可以使用enumerate 函数来获取到index和value: 代码语言:javascript 复制 >>> for i, v in enumerate(['tic', '...
keys()) ['guido', 'irv', 'jack'] >>> 'guido' in tel True >>> 'jack' not in tel False 构造函数 dict() 直接从键值对元组列表中构建字典。如果有固定的模式,列表推导式指定特定的键值对: >>> dict([('sape', 4139), ('guido', 4127), ('jack', 4098)]) {'sape': 4139, 'jack'...