Python附带⼀个模块,它包含许多容器数据类型,名字叫作collections。 我们将讨论的是: namedtuple enum.Enum (包含在Python 3.4以上) 另外还有defaultdict、counter、deque很常用不在赘述。 1、namedtuple ⼀个元组是⼀个不可变的列表,你可以存储⼀个数据的序列,它和命名元组(namedtuples)⾮常像,但有⼏个关键...
报错信息:can't set attribute,意思是不能修改属性 如果我们需要定义一个枚举值只能是整数时,我们可以导入 IntEnum 模块,自定义枚举时继承 IntEnum 模块。具体代码如下: from enum import IntEnum # 通过继承Enum的方式自定义用户等级枚举 class VIP(IntEnum): YELLOW = 1 #黄钻 GREEN = 2 # 绿钻 继承IntEnum...
可以通过enum_ = Enum('class_name', names,start = 1)来创建,其中names可以是字符串,可以是列表/元组。内部定义为: def_create_(cls, class_name, names, *, module=None, qualname=None,type=None, start=1):"""Convenience method to create a new Enum class. `names` can be: * A string conta...
importenumclassColor(enum.Enum): red =1green =2blue =3yellow =4pink =5cyan =6purple =6try: ="xxx"exceptExceptionase:print(e)# can't set attributetry: ="xxx"exceptExceptionase:print(e)# can't set attribute# 可以看到是无法赋值的 importenumclassColor(enu...
fromcollectionsimportnamedtupleAnimal=namedtuple('Animal','name age type')perry=Animal(name="perry",age=31,type="cat")perry.age=42## 输出:## Traceback (most recent call last):## File "", line 1, in## AttributeError: can't set attribute ...
AttributeError: can't set attribute >>> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 3.2、枚举类可以优雅的处理值重复 修改下枚举类week: from enum import Enum class week(Enum): zhouyi=1 zhouer=2 zhousan=3 ...
3.3-devel blivet dbus doc examples po scripts tests translation-canary .gitignore .gitmodules .packit.yaml CONTRIBUTING COPYING COPYING.LESSER Makefile TODO install-test-dependencies.yml python-blivet.spec release_notes.rst ...
Parent logger can be specified by naming the child logger '<parent>.<name>'. If logger doesn't have a set level, it inherits it from the first ancestor that does. Formatter also accepts: pathname, filename, funcName, lineno, thread and process. RotatingFileHandler creates and deletes ...
EventsSet maturity to beta MessagingAdjust A2P brand registration status enum (breaking change) StudioRemove internal safeguards for Studio V2 API usage now that it's GA VerifyAdd support for creating and verifying totp factors. Support for totp factors is behind the api.verify.totp beta feature....
Enum 的成员值 成员值可以为任意类型: int, str 等等。 如果具体的值不重要,你可以使用 auto 实例,将为你选择适当的值。 但如果你混用 auto 与其他值则需要小心谨慎。 注解 命名法 类Color 是一个 枚举 (或称 enum) 属性Color.RED, Color.GREEN 等等是 枚举成员 (或称 enum 成员) 并且被用作常量。 枚...