由于sklearn 在建模时不接受类别型变量,我们主要对数据做以下处理,以方便后续建模分析: 薪资水平 salary 为定序变量, 因此将其字符型转化为数值型。 岗位是定类型变量, 对其进行 one-hot 编码。 # 数据转换 df['salary'] = df['salary'].map({"low": 0, "medium": 1, "high": 2}) # 哑变量 df_...
1#根据公司规模分组,计算不同规模公司的薪资、雇佣类型和工作经验水平的均值2grouped_df = df.groupby('company_size').agg({3'salary_in_usd':'mean',4'employment_type': pd.Series.mode,5'experience_level': pd.Series.mode6}).reset_index()78#绘制薪资水平柱状图9plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))10sn...
Title(Level) Annual Salary Experience School Degree Location Skills Gracenote Senior Software Engineer Base:$152k Stocks:- Bonus:- TC:$152k 7yrs California State University Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Mastersincomputer science Works inEmeryville, California ...
Python Developer Jobs Available Right Now Python Developer Salary (India & USA) What Does a Python Developer Do? A Python developer is a professional who is well-equipped with developing softwares using the Python programming language. They also take care of removing bugs that the testing team ha...
SalarySlab category MonthlyRate int64 NumCompaniesWorked int64 PercentSalaryHike int64 PerformanceRating int64 RelationshipSatisfaction int64 StockOptionLevel int64 TotalWorkingYears int64 TrainingTimesLastYear int64 WorkLifeBalance int64 YearsAtCompany int64 YearsInCurrentRole int64 YearsSinceLastPromotion int64 ...
such as the developer's experience, skillset, and location. According to data from Glassdoor, the average salary of a Python developer in the United States is around $102,293 per year. However, this can range from around $60,000 for entry-level positions to over $140,000 for senior pos...
Sample Google Python Interview Questions for Practice Google Python Interview Questions for Experienced Professionals Google Python Coding Interview Questions FAQs About Google Python Interview Questions Ready to Nail Your Next Coding Interview? Sign up now! Python is an easy-to-learn, high-level, indent...
def level_queue(root): #利用队列实现树的广度优先遍历 if root is None: return my_queue = [] node = root my_queue.append(node) while my_queue: node = my_queue.pop(0) print (node.elem) if node.lchild is not None: my_queue.append(node.lchild) ...
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Programmers with this Python course in Chennai earn an annual salary of $115,000. Designation Annual Salary Hiring Companies Python Developer Annual Salary ₹3.96LMin ₹7.01LAverage ₹14.87LMaxSource: Glassdoor Hiring Companies Source: Indeed...