classEndofLoop(Exception):pass 类名以EndofLoop为例,可任取,运行上述定义后,将StopIteration异常改为自定义的EndofLoop,效果相同。 3.2 在函数中利用return 在函数定义中,一旦代码运行至return,函数将立刻结束而不再执行后续代码,这自然也包括循环。可以通过定义一个函数,将循环置于函数体内,通过return来直接结束所有...
languages = ['Swift','Python','Go']# start of the loopforlanginlanguages:print(lang)print('---')# end of the for loopprint('Last statement') Run Code Output Swift --- Python --- Go --- Last statement Here,print('Last statement')is outside the body of the loop. Therefore, thi...
end='\t') i += 1 print() j += 1四、for循环4.1 语法for 临时变量 in 序列: 重复...
return self.old_api.legacy_method() + " (adapted for new system)" new_system = NewLibraryAdapter() print(new_system.modern_method()) # 输出: This comes from an old library. (adapted for new system) 通过上述例子和介绍,我们已经初步领略了Python语言的特点和设计模式的重要作用。随着后续章节的...
for i in range(start, end): yield i * i def main_generator(): yield from sub_generator(1, 5) yield from sub_generator(6, 10) for value in main_generator(): print(value) 这段代码中,main_generator通过两次yield from调用了sub_generator,将子生成器产生的平方数“合并”到主生成器的输出中...
count =0whilecount <= 100:ifcount % 2 == 0:#除以2余数为0的数print("loop",count) count+= 1print("---end---") # 实例3:第50次不打印,第60-80打印对应值的平方 count =0whilecount <= 100:ifcount == 50:pass#过elifcount >= 60andcount <= 80:print(count*count)else:print(count)...
elif guess_age > age_of_honour: print("smaller..") else: print("bigger!") if guess_age == age_of_honour: break # 结束整个循环 count +=1 #每次loop 计数器+1 if count ==3 : countine_confirm = input ("do you wang to guessing.(If the input N the end)") ...
因此这是一个非常适合使用两层嵌套循环结构来编写的案例:for i in range(1, 10): for j in range(1, 10): if j == 9: print("\t", i*j) # j == 9时,换行 else: print("\t", i*j, end = '') # j < 9时,不换行执行结果如下:break 和 continue循环的结束分为...
--- info of %s --- # 这里的每一个%s就是一个占位符 Name : %s Age : %s # 注意这个地方用的是%s表示的是字符串类型的占位符 job : %s # %d 表示整数型占位符 Hobbie: %s --- end --- '''%(name, name, gae, job, hobbie) #这行的 % 就是把前面...
(hostname for IPv6 should be placed in brackets) # tftp://hostname # ftp://username:password@hostname # sftp://username:password@hostname[:port] # sftp-sha1://username:password@hostname[:port] # http://hostname[:port] # 2) Do not add a trailing slash at the end of file ...