Incomputer science, afor-loop(or simplyfor loop) is acontrol flowstatementfor specifyingiteration, which allows code to beexecutedrepeatedly。(作用:介绍了for循环是什么?) A for-loop has two parts: a header specifying the iteration, and a body which is executed once per iteration. (for循环是什...
count +=1 #每次loop 计数器+1 if count ==3 : countine_confirm = input ("do you wang to guessing.(If the input N the end)") if countine_confirm !='n': count=0 print(count) else: # while 循环如果被 break 所结束,不执行该语句 print("you are wrong") 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6....
这个迭代器就可以和索引一样遍历可迭代对象的所有元素,在C++中的迭代器有正向,反向,双向。迭代器的属性也有begin,end。迭代的时候直接it++或者it--进行迭代。 下面是C++代码使用iterator遍历向量vector #include<iostream>#include<vector>usingnamespacestd;intmain(){intnums[6]={1,2,3,4,5};//目标是正序,倒...
In computer science, afor-loop(or simplyfor loop) is a control flow statement for specifying iteration, which allows code to be executed repeatedly。(作用:介绍了for循环是什么?) A for-loop has two parts: a header specifying the iteration, and a body which is executed once per iteration. (...
上面的类图展示了一个简单的类ForLoop,其中包含一个私有属性i和一个公有方法runLoop()。Main类继承自ForLoop类,用于演示在for循环中使用continue语句。 3. 状态图 i < 5i != 2i == 2i < 5i == 5StartInLoopEnd 上面的状态图描述了程序的执行过程。开始时程序处于Start状态,然后进入循环InLoop,在循环中判...
for i in range(start, end): yield i * i def main_generator(): yield from sub_generator(1, 5) yield from sub_generator(6, 10) for value in main_generator(): print(value) 这段代码中,main_generator通过两次yield from调用了sub_generator,将子生成器产生的平方数“合并”到主生成器的输出中...
end loop; 循环控制:quit、exit、continue ABC语言(1987年) 注:是ABC的爸爸 FOR i IN { 1..5}: Python语言(1993年) for i in range(9): 设置上限:for i in range(1,9): 步长:for i in range(1,9,2): 倒置:for i in range(9,1,-1): ...
languages = ['Swift', 'Python', 'Go'] # start of the loop for lang in languages: print(lang) print('---') # end of the for loop print('Last statement') Run Code Output Swift --- Python --- Go --- Last statement Here, print('Last statement') is outside the body of the...
1、如果只有一个参数,那么表示指定的是end;2、如果只有两个参数,那么表示指定的是start和end;3、只有三个参数都存在时,最后一个参数step才表示步长。例如。使用下列for循环语句,将输出20以内的所有奇数:for i in range(1,20,2): print(i,end = ",")运行结果如下:1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,...
for number in range(5): if number == 3: break print("number is",number) print("end loop") 输出结果,当number为3时,整个循环将结束 number is 0 number is 1 number is 2 end loop 如果在嵌套循环中存在最里面的循环有break语句,那么触发break只会跳出当前循环,而不会跳出所有嵌套的循环。