使用Python从Discord获取消息以追加到列表中的方法可以通过使用discord.py库来实现。discord.py是一个用于与Discord API进行交互的Python库,它提供了许多功能和方法来创建和管理Discord机器人。 以下是实现该功能的步骤: 安装discord.py库: 安装discord.py库: 创建一个Discord机器人并获取其令牌(token)。可以在...
# 需要导入模块: import discord [as 别名]# 或者: from discord importMessage[as 别名]defmaybe_delete_messages(self, channel: TextChannel, messages: List[Message])->None:"""Cleans the messages if cleaning is configured."""ifAntiSpamConfig.clean_offending:# If we have more than one message, ...
在命令的实现中,我们通过bot.get_channel()方法获取到对应的通道对象,并使用channel.history()方法获取到消息历史记录的生成器。通过遍历生成器,我们可以获取到每条消息的内容,并将其添加到一个列表中。最后,我们使用ctx.send()方法将消息历史记录发送回来。 请注意,上述代码中的YOUR_BOT_TOKEN需要替换为您自己的...
defon_message(client: discord.Client, message: discord.Message, args: list):ifmessage.channel.is_private:returnFalsechannel = moderate.data.get(message.server.id, {}).get("nsfw-channel")ifchannel:# Check if message includes keyword nsfw and a linkmsg = message.content.lower()if"nsfw"inmsga...
def on_raw_reaction_remove(self, payload: RawReactionActionEvent) -> None: """Ensure that people don't remove the green checkmark from duck ponded messages.""" channel = discord.utils.get(self.bot.get_all_channels(), id=payload.channel_id) # Prevent the green checkmark from being remov...
single channel in every single server to scan for new messages which would surely hit Discord's ...
首先,Midjourney 目前驻扎在 Discord 平台中,这意味着要使用 Midjourney,必须通过特殊的充值途径获得访问权限。如果没有订阅,几乎无法使用 Midjourney,因此单是使用这一工具就成了一个巨大的难题。此外,有人或许会疑问:Midjourney 是否提供对外 API 服务?然而事实是,Midjourney 并未向外界提供任何 API 服务,而且从...
Example Discord bot written in Python that uses thechat completions APIto have conversations with thegpt-3.5-turbomodel, and themoderations APIto filter the messages. This bot uses theOpenAI Python Libraryanddiscord.py. Features /chatstarts a public thread, with amessageargument which is the firs...
Hello coders, I have written a short script to post a live notification to my discord webhook when I start streaming. What bothers me is that this even happens when I activate the "bandwidth test mode" under Settings -> Stream -> Platform Twitch and hit "Start Streaming". Is there a wa...
If you don't understand the message, look in Appendix H : Cryptic Error Messages. If you still don't understand, get enough information so somebody can help you. Ask in one of the (Support) User Groups (Discord Kivy, or Google Groups Kivy). Always include BOTH the full contents of STD...