整数Integer(int) 浮点数 Float(python中默认为双精度浮点型) 布尔值 Boolean(bool) 类型Type(“类型”也是种类型) 其他数据类型 字符串 String(str)、列表 List、元组 Tuple、集合 Set、字典 Dictionary(dict,或者可以叫它映射 map)、复数 Complex Number(complex)、函数 Function、模块 Module print(type("2.2")...
Dictionary Items - Data TypesThe values in dictionary items can be of any data type:Example String, int, boolean, and list data types: thisdict = { "brand": "Ford", "electric": False, "year": 1964, "colors": ["red", "white", "blue"] } Try it Yourself » type()...
Python dictionary is a container of the unordered set of objects like lists.The objects are surrounded by curly braces { }. The items in a dictionary are a comma-separated list of key:value pairs where keys and values are Python data type. Each object or value accessed by key and keys a...
If you run this python dictionary data type example code, the output will be like the below image. So that’s all for today about Python data types. Don’t forget to run every piece of code on your own machine. Also, don’t just copy-paste. Try to write the lines of code on your...
Dictionary的遍历、增加、删除、修改 有序数据类型(sequence-based data types) 下标(index) 切片(slice) 1.数值(Number) 1.1 数值类型 Python的数值类型支持整数,浮点数和复数,他们在Python中分别是int,float和complex。 整数和浮点数的表面区别就是是否有小数点,有小数点的就是浮点数,没有的就是整数。整数可以为...
1. Python数据类型(6个) 1.1 数值型(number) 1.2 字符型(string) 字符串常用方法 转义字符 可迭代性 f-string 1.3 列表(list) 1.4 字典(dictionary) 1.5 集合(set) 1.6 元组(tuple) 1.7 内存视图Memoryview 2. 动态引用、强类型 3. 二元运算符和比较运算 4. 标量类型 5. 三元表达式 ...
Python Dictionary Data Type Python dictionary is an ordered collection of items. It stores elements in key/value pairs. Here, keys are unique identifiers that are associated with each value. Let's see an example, # create a dictionary named capital_citycapital_city = {'Nepal':'Kathmandu','...
There are mainly four types of basic/primitive data types available in Python Numeric: int, float, and complex Sequence: String, list, and tuple Set Dictionary (dict) To check the data type of variable use the built-in function type() and isinstance(). The type() function returns the dat...
Note:Dictionary values can be of any data type, including mutable types like lists. Keys of a dictionary must be unique The keys of a dictionary must be unique. If there are duplicate keys, the later value of the key overwrites the previous value. ...
planet.pop('orbital period')# planet dictionary now contains: {# name: 'jupiter'# moons: 79# } Complex data types Dictionaries are able to store any type of a value, including other dictionaries. This allows you to model complex data as needed. Imagine...