desired_caps["app"] = r"C:\Users\cfgdc-pc 98\Desktop\vnc-4_1_2-x86_win32_viewer.exe" # vnc viewer 的执行路径 server_url = "" cls.driver = webdriver.Remote(server_url, desired_caps) def setUp(self): pass @testcase(priority=1, enabled=True, description='使...
robot framework 所需: pip install robotframework==3.1.2 pip install wxpython==4.0.3 pip install Pypubsub==3.3.0 pip install robotframework-ride== [我安装的python3.7, 先安装低版本1.7.3.1的ride,再升级成ride1.7.4.2没什么问题;但是直接安装ride1.7.4.2,无法启动ride,具体可能是版本兼容问题;...
A Python framework for building Desktop applications. qtpyqtcura3d-graphics3d-modelspython-frameworkpyqt6 UpdatedFeb 28, 2025 Python sdnewhop/grinder Star295 🔎 Python framework to automatically discover and enumerate hosts from different back-end systems (Shodan, Censys) ...
Github工程地址: 属于新的桌面形式的appium版本,有界面,可以配置各项参数,可以启动inspect查看手机界面元素;不管是win还是mac下目前都支持简单的录制操作,appium desktop的版本和appium的版本并不是一一对应,下载地址 ...
We are a specialized engineering company that writes desktop applications for engineers to perform process simulation and related data analysis. We have been using Wing Pro for the past decade with a small team of developers. We could not be happier with the product and the support!
#进行打包 pyinstaller -F -w C:\Desktop\ 稍等几分钟,在Python的工作目录下看到一个dist文件,如果不知道自己的Python工作目录,可使用os.getcwd()命令查看。 该dist文件包含一个combine.exe程序,如下即为打包的程序。 10、pandasql pandasql库可以在Python中写SQL,而且SQL语法在Python中完全支持,在Python...
python sqlite dbms python3 tkinter login-system smtplib desktop-gui dbms-project bookmanagementsystem smpt pythongui pythonminiproject Updated May 12, 2023 Python mohansaidinesh / Employee-Management Star 7 Code Issues Pull requests Now-a-days online orders are playing a major role .So many...
Common desktop apps in Python, using PyQt. A collection of 15 small — minute — desktop applications written in Python using the PyQt framework.
Step 3: Choose the operating system and version for the desktop or real device on which you want to test. For instance, select a desktop with Windows 10. Step 4: Select a browser for testing your website. In this example, use the latest version of Firefox to test the Python-designed ... 2、appium客户端 不同语言对应不同的appium客户端软件。 3、Appium的工作原理 appium是一款开源的,跨平台的UI自动化测试工具,适用于测试原生的或者混合型的移动APP,支持IOS,Android,Firefox OS等平台,同时该框架支持JAVA,Python,PHP等语言编写的测试脚本。 二、ap...