# When a list object is passed as # parameters for the dir() function # A list, which contains # a few random values geeks = ["geeksforgeeks", "gfg", "Computer Science", "Data Structures", "Algorithms" ] # dir() will also list out common # attributes of the dictionary d = {}...
Reverse Pairs (Leetcode) Go through Puzzles from GFG** (Search on own) Day4: (Hashing)2 Sum problem 4 Sum problem Longest Consecutive Sequence Largest Subarray with 0 sum Count number of subarrays with given XOR (this clearsa lot of problems) Longest substring without repeat ...
代码3:对象作为参数传递。 # When a list object is passed as# parameters for thedir() function# A list, which conatains# a few random valuesgeeks = ["geeksforgeeks","gfg","Computer Science","Data Structures","Algorithms"]#dir() will also list out common# attributes of the dictionaryd ...
1️⃣Data Structures 2️⃣Algorithms 3️⃣Competitive Programming 1️⃣GFG SDE Sheet 🔵Facebook(Meta) SDE Sheet 🟠Amazon SDE Sheet ⚫Apple SDE Sheet 🔴Netflix SDE Sheet 🟢Google SDE Sheet 2️⃣Love Babbar DSA Sheet 4. 📘Technical Sub...
对应c函数为fun(char ** ppdata, int*idlist) python对应的参数设置:fun.py patterns=["qwerqwer", "12eweqwe", "asdfdgfgg"] ids= [1,2,3,4,5] a_patterns = (c_char_p * len(patterns))() a_patterns[:] = patterns ids = (c_uint * len(ids))(*ids) ...
deque(['name', 'age', 'DOB']) Let’s see various Operations on deque : append():- This function is used to **insert **the value in its argument to theright endof deque. appendleft():- This function is used to** insert** the value in its argument to ...
# When a list object is passed as# parameters for the dir() function# A list, which contains# a few random valuescom2743=["tutorial","gfg","Computer Science","Data Structures","Algorithms"]# dir() will also list out common# attributes of the dictionaryd={}# empty dictionary# dir()...
"source": "**JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)** is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write.\n\nJSON is built on two structures:\n\n1. A collection of name/value pairs. In various languages, this is realized as an object, record, struct, ...