1,2,3,4,5])y=np.array([0,1,0,1,0,1+np.random.rand(1)])# 添加一些随机噪声# 创建三次样条对象cs=CubicSpline(x,y)# 生成更细的 x 轴数据进行插值x_fine=np.linspace(0,5,100)y_fine=cs(x_fine)# 绘制原始数据点和样条拟合曲线plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))plt...
FittedBondDiscountCurve tsCubicSplines( bondSettlementDate, instruments, dayCounter, csf, tolerance, max); Array weights = tsCubicSplines.fitResults().solution(); Array termstrcWeights(7); termstrcWeights[0] = 1.9320e-02, termstrcWeights[1] = -8.4936e-05, termstrcWeights[2] = -3.2009e-04,...
Fit Envelopes def get_cubicSpline(extrema, size): dates_numeric = np.array(extrema.index.astype(np.int64)) cubic_spline = CubicSpline(dates_numeric, extrema.values) # Ensure that the interpolated array covers the entire range of dates_numeric interpolated_dates_numeric = np.linspace(dates_numeri...
spline = cons_smoothing_spline(x,y,1,0.00001,S,r,q,T) spline.fit() pcost dcost gap pres dres 0: 1.0522e-01 -5.8942e+00 6e+00 1e-12 1e+02 1: 5.5569e-02 -4.5212e-01 5e-01 5e-13 1e+01 2: -2.6966e-02 -6.6002e-02 4e-02 2e-13 2e-01 3: -3.3774e-02 -5.5935e-02 ...
_spline f_spline = interp1d(x, y, kind='cubic') # 生成新的x值,用于插值结果的展示 x_new = np.linspace(0, 5, 100) # 使用线性插值函数f_linear对x_new进行插值,得到y_linear y_linear = f_linear(x_new) # 使用样条插值函数f_spline对x_new进行插值,得到y_spline y_spline = f_spline(...
spline = NaturalCubicSpline(max=maxval, min=minval, n_knots=n_knots) p = Pipeline([ ('nat_cubic', spline), ('regression', LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True)) ]) p.fit(x, y) return p class AbstractSpline(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """Base class for all spline basis expansions....
#在此详细介绍下interpolate函数的参数:'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'spline', 'barycentric', 'polynomial' 4、中位数填补对每列的数值采用中位数进行填补 df.fillna(df.median(),inplace=True) 5、众数填补对每列数值采用众数填补 ...
2.2 使用 SciPy 进行插值 SciPy 提供了更加全面的插值函数,例如scipy.interpolate.interp1d和scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline。 2.2.1 一维插值 代码语言:javascript 复制 from scipy.interpolateimportinterp1dimportnumpyasnpimportmatplotlib.pyplotasplt # 原始数据点 x=np...
The filter argument can be one of NEAREST (use nearest neighbour), BILINEAR (linear interpolation in a 2x2 environment), or BICUBIC (cubic spline interpolation in a 4x4 environment). If omitted, or if the image has mode “1” or “P”, it is set to NEAREST. ...