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"I am not at all surprised that thePython Crash Coursebook has sold 1.5 million copies and counting. This 3rd edition, with its numerous updates and additions, is likely to double this number. . . . Everything you need to know is included. And did I mention that it's a LOT of fun?
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Python Crash Course is the world’s best-selling guide to the Python programming language. This fast-paced, thorough introduction will have you writing programs, solving problems, and developing functioning applications in no time. You’ll start by learning basic programming concepts, such as variabl...
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This is a collection of resources for Python Crash Course, Third Edition, an introductory programming book from No Starch Press by Eric Matthes. Click here for a much cleaner version of these online resources. If you have any questions about Python Crash Course, feel free to get in touch: ...
Click here for a much cleaner version of these online resources. If you have any questions about Python Crash Course, feel free to get in touch: Email: Twitter: @ehmatthesAbout Online resources for Python Crash Course, 3rd edition, from No Starch Press. Resources Readme...
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