在Python中将原始时间转换为UTC时间可以使用datetime模块和pytz模块来实现。下面是一个示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 import datetime import pytz def convert_to_utc(raw_time, timezone): # 创建原始时间对象 naive_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(raw_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # 设置原始时间的时...
使用TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(DateTime,TimeZoneInfo)方法时在DST结束日期将本地时间转换为UTC的问题 、、、 我有一个将本地时间转换为UTC并将其存储在数据库中的应用程序。在测试转换时,我遇到了这个问题--2015年11月1日(夏令节约时间结束的日期(时间回到凌晨1点))。我的本地系统时区是(UTC-08:00)太平...
一、Datetime转化为TimeStamp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 defdatetime2timestamp(dt, convert_to_utc=False): ''' Converts a datetime object to UNIX timestamp in milliseconds. ''' ifisinstance(dt, datetime.datetime): ifconvert_to_utc:# 是否转化为UTC时间 dt=dt+datetime.timedelta(hours=-8)# 中国默...
datetime1= datetime.strptime(somestring, someformat)timeInSeconds= calendar.timegm(datetime1.utctimetuple())timeInMillis= timeInSeconds *1000 :) getDateAndTime(seconds=None):""" Converts seconds since the Epoch to a time tuple expressing UTC. When 'seconds' is not passed in, convert the cu...
fromdatetimeimportdatetimeimportpytz# 创建UTC时区对象utc=pytz.utc# 定义函数来进行时间转换defconvert_us_to_china(us_time_str,us_timezone_str):# 解析输入的美国时间字符串us_timezone=pytz.timezone(us_timezone_str)naive_us_time=datetime.strptime(us_time_str,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')local_us_time...
def datetime2timestamp(dt, convert_to_utc=False): ''' Converts a datetime object to UNIX timestamp in milliseconds. ''' if isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime): if convert_to_utc: # 是否转化为UTC时间 dt = dt + datetime.timedelta(hours=-8) # 中国默认时区 timestamp = total_seconds(dt ...
Python - Django : Convert UTC to local time zone in, Now the time is stored as UTC in database, so I want to change the timezone and its formatting before I send the data in json to front end. Changing/converting the time in front end is not an option. What should I be doing?
此时我们就可以利用pandas里的tz_convert 将UTC时间转换为任意时区的时间。 # Convert UTC to local time test_local = test_UTC.tz_convert(local_time_zone) test_local DatetimeIndex(['2019-04-05 19:00:00-05:00', '2019-04-05 23:00:00-05:00', '2019-04-06 03:00:00-05:00', '2019-04...
作用:返回一个具有新的 tzinfo 属性 tz 的 datetime 对象,并会调整日期和时间数据使得结果对应的 UTC 时间与 self 相同,但为 tz 时区的本地时间。 用法:datetime.astimezone(tz=None) def astimezone(self, tz): if self.tzinfo is tz: return self # Convert self to UTC, and attach the new time ...
''' Converts a datetime object to UNIX timestamp in milliseconds. '''if isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime):if convert_to_utc: # 是否转化为UTC时间 dt = dt + datetime.timedelta(hours=-8) # 中国默认时区 timestamp = total_seconds(dt - EPOCH)return long(timestamp)return dt ⼆、TimeStamp...