off_value: Tensor or float, value to fill-in everything else. Returns: Tensor of shape [N1, N2, num_classes] with 1.0 for each id in original tensor. """tensor_in = tf.convert_to_tensor(tensor_in) sparse_values = tf.to_int64(tf.reshape(tensor_in, [-1,1])) size = tf.shape(...
from_numpy(v.copy()[np.newaxis, :, :]) elif isinstance(v, (float, int)): tensor_sample[k] = v else: raise NotImplemented return tensor_sample Example 7Source File: From ASR with Apache License 2.0 6 votes def ConvertGradientToTensor(x): """Identity operation whose ...
为了更好地理解Tensor与字符串之间的关系,我们可以使用ER图来表示它们。 TENSORstringtensor_idPKstringtensor_valueintegerdimensionSTRINGstringstring_idPKstringstring_representationconverts_to 在这个关系图中,TENSOR表示一个具体的Tensor数据结构,而STRING表示其字符串表示。箭头表示一个转换关系。 类图 我们还可以为Tens...
y = ops.convert_to_tensor([0.,0,0]) z = math_ops.complex(x, y)withself.cached_session():# Should not raise.linear_operator_util.assert_zero_imag_part(z, message="ABC123").run() 开发者ID:AnishShah,项目名称:tensorflow,代码行数:7,代码来源 ...
x=tf.convert_to_tensor(l) # Printing the result print('x: ',x) 输出: l:[1,2,3,4] x:tf.Tensor([1234],shape=(4,),dtype=int32) 示例2:来自 Python 元组 Python3实现 # Importing the library importtensorflowastf # Initializing the input ...
convert_to_tensor(0, dtype=tf.int32, name='ZERO') while_parms = [i_start, size, iZ, acts] wresult = tf.while_loop(fwd_continue, forward_prop, while_parms, parallel_iterations=1, name='forward_prop_while') (_, _, _, result) = wresult return tf.slice(result, [0, 0, 0], ...
convert_to_tensor ( value , dtype = None , name = None , preferred_dtype = None ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 输入格式类型 import numpy as np def my_func(arg): arg = tf.convert_to_tensor(arg, dtype=tf.float32) return tf.matmul(arg, arg) + arg ...
TensorFlow cast string to int Let us discuss how we will convert the cast string to an integer in Python TensorFlow. To perform this task we are going to use thetf.cast()function this function is used to cast the given input tensor to a new datatype. This function takes two main parame...
tf.to_int32函数返回一个 Tensor 或 SparseTensor,与 x (类型为 int32)具有相同的形状。 例子: 代码语言:javascript 复制 importnumpyasnpimporttensorflowastf a=[ [1,2,3],[2,3,4]]b=np.array([[1,2,3], [2,3,4]])c=tf.convert_to_tensor([[1,2,3],[2,3,4]])d=tf.to_int32(a)...