Write a Python program to convert a given string to Camelcase.Use re.sub() to replace any - or _ with a space, using the regexp r"(_|-)+". Use str.title() to capitalize the first letter of each word and convert the rest to lowercase. Finally, use str.replace() to remove ...
defto_camel_case(s):# 分割字符串parts=s.replace('-',' ').replace('_',' ').split()# 将每个部分的首字母大写return''.join(part.capitalize()forpartinparts)# 示例input_string="convert_this-toCamelCase"camel_case_string=to_camel_case(input_string)print(camel_case_string)# 输出:ConvertTh...
下面是一个完整的代码示例,演示了如何将下划线格式的字符串转换为驼峰格式: defsplit_string(string):words=string.split('_')returnwordsdefcapitalize_words(words):capitalized_words=[]forwordinwords:capitalized_word=word.capitalize()capitalized_words.append(capitalized_word)returncapitalized_wordsdefjoin_words(...
def add_credits(string): """Adds the company's credits to the end of any string.""" return f"{string} (string created by Pro String Inc.)" def snake_to_camel(string): """Converts a string in snake_case to camelCase.""" words = string.split("_") if len(words) > 1: ...
将Camel Case 转换为 Snake Case 并更改给定字符串中特定字符的大小写 importre defconvert(oldstring):s1=re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)',r'\1_\2',oldstring)returnre.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])',r'\1_\2',s1).lower()# Camel Case to Snake Caseprint(convert('CamelCase'))print(conve...
将String 变量转换为 float、int 或 boolean # String to Float float_string = "254.2511" print(type(float_string)) string_to_float = float(float_string) print(type(string_to_float)) # String to Integer int_string = "254" print(type(int_string)) ...
Convert strings (and dictionary keys) between snake case, camel case and pascal case in Python. Inspired byHumpsfor Node. To install humps, simply use pipenv (or pip, of course): $ pipenv install pyhumps Usage Converting strings importhumpshumps.camelize("jack_in_the_box")# jackInTheBoxhump...
:>>> convert('CamelCase')'camel_case'>>> convert('CamelCamelCase')'
Python String Exercises, Practice, Solution - Improve your Python string handling skills with these 113 exercises, each with a sample solution. Learn how to calculate string length, count character frequencies, extract substrings, replace characters, swa
Convert string cases between camel case, pascal case, snake case etc... Usage importstringcasestringcase.camelcase('foo_bar_baz')# => "fooBarBaz"stringcase.camelcase('FooBarBaz')# => "fooBarBaz"stringcase.capitalcase('foo_bar_baz')# => "Foo_bar_baz"stringcase.capitalcase('FooBarBaz'...