>>>importast>>>x =u'[ "A","B","C" , " D"]'>>>x = ast.literal_eval(x)>>>x ['A','B','C',' D']>>>x = [n.strip()forninx]>>>x ['A','B','C','D']...
li = list(string.split("-"))return li # Driver code str1 = "Geeks-for-Geeks"print(Convert(str1))输出 ['Geeks', 'for', 'Geeks']4. 使用字符串切片 def Convert(string):list1 = []list1[:0] = string return list1 # Driver code str1 = "ABCD"print(Convert(str1))输出 ['A', '...
['Geeks', 'for', 'Geeks'] def Convert(string): li = list(string.split("-")) return li # Driver code str1 = "Geeks-for-Geeks" print(Convert(str1)) 输出 ['Geeks', 'for', 'Geeks'] 4. 使用字符串切片 def Convert(string): list1 = [] list1[:0] = string return list1 # Dr...
Sample Solution: Python Code:# Define a function named 'strings_to_listOflists' that takes a list of strings as input def strings_to_listOflists(str): # Use the 'map' function with 'list' to convert each string into a list of its individual characters result = map(list, str) # Con...
I have a tool to list files which are on the server. flist = os.listdir("C:/Server") conn.send(bytes("str(flist), "UTF-8")) This sends a list to the client, the client converts it to a string. (something like this: [' Arcer.exe', 'Launcher.exe', 'Document.txt']) ...
字符串和列表可以通过 list, join 方法来进行互转, #list() can convert string to list, #"".join() can convert list to string, #and remove the empty char at the begining and the end of the word word = 'good' wordlist = list(word) ...
Write a Python program to convert the bytes in a given string to a list of integers. Sample Solution-1: Python Code: # Create a bytes object containing the bytes 'Abc'.x=b'Abc'# Print an empty line for clarity.print()# Convert the bytes of the said string to a list of integers ...
Output:List of Items in CSV =['Apple', 'Mango', 'Banana'] Python String is a sequence of characters. We can convert it to the list of characters usinglist()built-in function. When converting a string to list of characters, whitespaces are also treated as characters. Also, if there ar...
list1[:0] = string return list1 # Driver code str1 = "ABCD"print(Convert(str1))```输出:...
and (in this simple case) go back to string via repr: >>> repr(thelist) "[['hey', '4A48'], ['hello', '4D42']]" >>> repr(thelist) == thestring True You can parse the string using the ast module: >>> import ast >>> thestring = "[['hey', '4A48'], ['hello', ...