# pdf_folder = docx_folder # 与 DOCX 文件相同的目录 # pdf_path = os.path.join(pdf_folder, pdf_filename) # # # 将 DOCX 文件转换为 PDF # convert(docx_path, pdf_path) # 创建 PDF 文件 pdf_filename = docx_filename.replace('.docx','.pdf') convert_to([docx_path],"pdf") # 构...
shell命令abiword --to=pdf filetoconvert.docx将把docx文件转换为PDF,并在docx所在的目录下生成一个名...
Convert Doc or Docx to PDF in Python Spire.Doc for Python offers theDocument.SaveToFile(string fileName, FileFormat fileFormat)method that allows to save Word as PDF, XPS, HTML, RTF, etc. If you just want to save your Word documents as regular PDFs without additional settings, follow the...
fromdocx2pdfimportconvertdefconvert_to_pdf(file_path):convert(file_path) 1. 2. 3. 4. 上述代码首先导入了convert函数,然后定义了一个函数convert_to_pdf,它接受一个文件路径作为参数。在函数内部,我们直接调用convert函数,将Word文档转换为PDF格式。 保存PDF文档 最后一步是将转换后的PDF文档保存到指定的路径。
def wd_to_pdf(folder): #获取指定目录下面的所有文件 files = os.listdir(folder) #获取word类型的文件放到一个列表里面 wdfiles = [f for f in files if f.endswith((".doc", ".docx"))] for wdfile in wdfiles: #将word文件放到指定的路径下面 ...
importosfromdocx2pdfimportconvertword_path ='word_path'word_to_pdf ='word_to_pdf'fori,j,nameinos.walk(word_path):forword_nameinname:convert(word_path+'/'+word_name, word_to_pdf+'/'+word_name.replace('docx','pdf')) 其中word_path是存放word文件的文件夹,word_to_pdf是转换后的pdf存放...
# convert pdf to docx cv=Converter(pdf_file) cv.convert(docx_file, start=0, end=None) cv.close() 下面是另外三种常用方法 1 把标准格式的PDF转为Word,测试环境Python3.6.5和3.6.6(注意PDF内容仅仅是文字为主的里面没有图片图表的适用,不适合扫描版PDF,因为那只能用图片识别的方式进行) ...
接下来,将使用pdf2docx库进行PDF到Word的转换: # pdf_to_word_pdf2docx.py from pdf2docx import Converter def pdf_to_word_pdf2docx(pdf_path, word_path): cv = Converter(pdf_path) cv.convert(word_path, start=0, end=None) cv.close() # 使用示例 pdf_to_word_pdf2docx('sample.pdf', '...
Convert DOC or DOCX to PDF Converting from the DOC or DOCX document format into the PDF format in Aspose.Words is very easy and can be accomplished with just two lines of code that: Load your document into aDocumentobject using one of its constructors by specifying the document name with ...
importmammothstyle_map="""p[style-name='Section Title'] => h1:freshp[style-name='Subsection Title'] => h2:fresh"""withopen("document.docx","rb")asdocx_file:result=mammoth.convert_to_html(docx_file,style_map=style_map) User-defined style mappings are used in preference to the default...