代码说明:strftime()函数可以将datetime对象格式化为指定的字符串形式,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"表示年-月-日 时:分:秒的格式。 类图 TimeConversion+__init__()+get_current_timestamp() : int+convert_timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp:int) : datetime+convert_datetime_to_string(dt_object:datetime) : str...
此外,我们还可以用序列图来展示整个日期转换的过程。 DateObjectdatetime_moduleUserDateObjectdatetime_moduleUserImport datetime moduleCreate date object (specific_date)Create date object (current_date)Call strftime() to convert to stringPrint date strings 结论 通过上述步骤,我们成功地实现了将 Python 中的日期...
The below example shows how to convert a date object to a string. import datetime current_datetime=datetime.datetime.now() print("current date and time:",current_datetime) print("Current day is: ",current_datetime.strftime("%d")) print("Current week is: ",current_datetime.strftime("%W")...
Current Time 0:00 / Duration -:- Loaded: 0% FullscreenUse the strftime() Function to Convert datetime to String in Python Use the format() Function to Convert datetime to String in Python Use f-strings to Convert datetime to String in Python Python does not provide any default built...
Example 1: datetime to string using strftime() The program below converts adatetimeobject containingcurrent date and timeto different string formats. fromdatetimeimportdatetime now = datetime.now()# current date and timeyear = now.strftime("%Y")print("year:", year) month = now.strftime("%m"...
The date and time is current as of the moment it is assigned to the variable as a datetime object, but the datetime object value is static unless a new value is assigned. Convert to string You can convert the datetime object to a string by callingstr()on the variable. Callingstr()just...
python3 进行字符串、日期、时间、时间戳相关转换 1、字符串转换成时间戳 2、 日期转换成时间戳
datetime_string="2022-01-01 12:30:45"datetime=pd.to_datetime(datetime_string,tz="UTC")print(datetime) 这将创建一个带有UTC时区信息的日期时间对象。 转换时区 如果需要将日期时间从一个时区转换为另一个时区,可以使用tz_convert方法: datetime_string="2022-01-01 12:30:45"datetime=pd.to_datetime(dat...
A step-by-step illustrated guide on how to convert a datetime.timedelta object to string in Python in multiple ways.
# 将时间变成时间戳 def tranftimestamp(stringtime): try: return time.mktime(time.strptime(stringtime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")) except: return tim...