WARNING:urllib3.connectionpool:Connection poolisfull, discarding connection:450632824.shop.n.weimob.com. Connection pool size:10 先说解决方案 importrequests session = requests.Session() # 设置连接池数量为100 adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=100, pool_maxsize=100) session.moun...
WARNING:urllib3.connectionpool:Connection pool is full, discarding connection: 450632824.shop.n.weimob.com. Connection pool size: 10 先说解决方案 import requests session = requests.Session() # 设置连接池数量为100 adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=100, pool_maxsize=100) se...
问题1. urllib3 connection pool full urllib3.connectionpool Connection pool is full requests使用了urlib3,urllib3中有PoolManager,它会复用连接,所以如果压测过程中,大量发起requests,会导致PoolManager中的connection pool满掉,进而出现这个问题。 【解决方案】 根据你的量适当调整pool_connections的值...
executor.submit(target, arg) 还有一个问题就是 Connection pool is full, discarding connection 可以进行如下设置 session.mount(prefix='', adapter=HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=1, pool_maxsize=36, max_retries=1)) 但是在多线程情况下还是会出现 pool is full。我把maxsize设置的比 threads数稍大一点时,...
Steps to reproduce ?? Expected behaviour The bot should work perfectly Actual behaviour This error pops up: urllib3.connectionpool - WARNING - Connection pool is full, discarding connection: api.telegram.org And then apparently hangs. Co...
Hello, I have problem I am using threads to make a lot of asynchronous HTTP requests (<3M) for key in my_dict: t = Thread(target=foo, args=(my_dict[key],)) t.start() I get a warning message "Connection pool is full, discarding connection" ...
raise NotSupportedError("Database module is not thread-safe.") self._pool = pool self._con = con def close(self): """Close the pooled dedicated connection.""" # Instead of actually closing the connection, # return it to the pool for future reuse. ...
# pool.apply_async(target,(p,))pool.close()pool.join() 2.2 进程间交换数据 2.2.1 管道 multiprocessing.Pipe([duplex]) 返回一对 Connection 对象 (conn1, conn2) , 分别表示管道的两端;如果 duplex 被置为 True (默认值),那么该管道是双向的,否则管道是单向的。
connection=Nonetry:connection=self.pool.get(block=True,timeout=self.timeout)except Empty:# 需要注意的是这个错误并不会被 redis 捕获,需要用户自己处理 raiseConnectionError("No connection available.")# 如果真的没有连接可用了,直接创建一个新的连接ifconnection is None:connection=self.make_connection()re...
Connection PoolingWith either the pool_name or pool_size argument present, Connector/Python creates the new pool. If the pool_name argument is not given, the connect() call automatically generates the name, composed from whichever of the host, port, user, and database connection arguments are ...