import dmPython def connect_dm_database(): # 数据库连接参数 password = 'xxxxxxxxxx' # 数据库密码 server = '' # 数据库服务器IP port = 5236 # 数据库端口号,默认为5236 try: # 连接到达梦数据库 conn = dmPython.connect( password=password, server=server, port=port ) print("连接...
conn= cx_Oracle.connect('commen-db','123456','', encoding='utf-8')ifconn:print('orecle connect success') 5 连接postgresql importpsycopg2 conn= psycopg2.connect(database='commen-db', host='', user='postgres', password='123456', port=5432)ifconn:print('pos...
Connecting Python applications to aMySQLdatabase enables us to interact withrelational databasesseamlessly. Python offers several libraries to establish this connection, including MySQLdb, PyMySQL, and MySQL Connector. In this tutorial,we’ll learn how to connect to a SQL database in Python. We’ll...
def connect_mysql_read(): # 数据库连接 con1 = pymysql.connect(host='', port=3306, user='root', password='Ch#123456', database='test') # 获取游标 con1.cursor = con1.cursor() # 执行语句 read_query = "SELECT * FROM student;" con1.cursor.execute(read_query) print(...
from pymysql import * #创建数据库的连接 conn=connect(host='',user='root',password='111111', database='stuDB',charset='utf8') #创建一个游标对象 可以利用这个对象进行数据库的操作 try: cur=conn.cursor() insertsql=''' insert into student(id,name,hometown) values (66,'钱之坑...
defget_db():if'db'noting:g.db=connect_to_database()returng.db @app.teardown_appcontext defteardown_db():db=g.pop('db',None)ifdb is not None:db.close() 0x02 request request封装了客户端的HTTP请求,它也是一个线程本地变量。
``` # Python script to connect to a database and execute queries import sqlite3 def connect_to_database(database_path): connection = sqlite3.connect(database_path) return connection def execute_query(connection, query): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetch...
# Connect to the database connection = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='user', password='passwd', database='db', charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) with connection: with connection.cursor() as cursor: ...
Connect to a databaseAzure Functions integrates well with Azure Cosmos DB for many use cases, including IoT, ecommerce, gaming, etc.For example, for event sourcing, the two services are integrated to power event-driven architectures using Azure Cosmos DB's change feed functionality. The change ...
使用pymysql的connect()方法连接数据库,connect的几个参数解释如下: host:MySQL服务的地址,若数据库在本地上,使用localhost或者127.0.0.1。如果在其它的服务器上,应该写IP地址。 port:服务的端口号,默认为3306,如果不写,为默认值。 user:登录数据库的用户名 ...