我们需要将mypy配置为仅在我们的代码上运行,并忽略没有类型注释的导入的任何错误。我们假设代码存在于以下配置的best_practices包中。将如下配置添加到setup.cfg: 代码语言:javascript 复制 [mypy]files=best_practices,testignore_missing_imports=true 现在我们可以运行mypy: 代码语言:javascript 复制 pipenv run mypy m...
在这里,我们配置在提交Python 文件修改时,执行上述所有检查,并且仅在推送时运行pytest覆盖率测试,因为耗时可能较长。创建一个新文件 .pre-commit-config.yaml : 如果你需要跳过这些钩子,你可以运行 git commit--no-verify 或 git push--no-verify 使用cookiecutter生成项目 我们已经看到了理想项目都使用了哪些工具,可...
Config File constants.ini [CONSTANTS] PI=3.141592653589793 EULER_NUMBER=2.718281828459045 TAU=6.283185307179586 This file uses the INI file format. You can read this type of file using the configparser module from the standard library. Now get back to calculations.py and update it to look somethi...
logging.config.dictConfig(LOGGING) In the above example, we defined a dictionary calledLOGGINGthat contains all the logging configuration settings such as log format, log level, and log output destination. Theconfigure_logging()function uses thelogging.config.dictConfig()method to configure the loggin...
Celery best practices, Balthazar CLI Building command line interfaces. Building an authenticated Python CLI Code Architecture Concurrency with Python: a pretty complete series of articles that goes into threads, functional programming, actor models, CSP, coroutines and data intensive architectures. ...
execution_settings=req_settings,# The execution settings will be tied to the configured service_id)# Create the chat function from the prompt template configchat_function = kernel.create_function_from_prompt( plugin_name="chat_bot", function_name="chat", ...
Celery best practices, Balthazar CLI Building command line interfaces. Building an authenticated Python CLI Code Architecture Concurrency with Python: a pretty complete series of articles that goes into threads, functional programming, actor models, CSP, coroutines and data intensive architectures. ...
Azure CLI: use the az webapp config set command with the --startup-file parameter to set the startup command or file: Azure CLI Copy az webapp config set --resource-group <resource-group-name> --name <app-name> --startup-file "<custom-command>" Replace <custom-command> with eithe...
import json import logging import requests from opencensus.extension.azure.functions import OpenCensusExtension from opencensus.trace import config_integration config_integration.trace_integrations(['requests']) OpenCensusExtension.configure() def main(req, context): logging.info('Executing HttpTrigger with Op...
Angular feature flags Java feature flags Ruby feature flags JavaScript feature flags Flutter feature flags NodeJS feature flags Spring Boot feature flags PHP feature flags Golang feature flags Kotlin/Android feature flags React Native Remote Config Swift feature flags .Net feature flags ...