fornumberinrange(3):print(number)else:print("Loop finished.")嵌套循环 在一个循环内部可以使用另一...
Statement- 执行某个动作的单行代码。 Conditional Statement- 根据条件执行不同代码块的语句,如if语句。 Loop- 重复执行代码块的控制结构,如for和while循环。 Comment- 代码中不被执行的解释性文本。 Syntax- 规定Python代码应如何编写的规则。 Indentation- 用于格式化代码和定义代码块的空格或制表符。 Assignment- 使...
Suppose you include a break statement directly in the loop body without wrapping it in a conditional. In that case, the loop will terminate in the first iteration, potentially without running the entire loop body.The continue StatementThe continue statement terminates the current iteration and ...
Infinite loops can be very useful. Just remember that you must ensure the loop gets broken out of at some point, so it doesn’t truly become infinite. NestedwhileLoops In general, Python control structures can be nested within one another. For example,if/elif/elseconditional statements can be...
条件语句 (conditional statement) :在不同条件下完成不同动作 迭代循环 (iterative loop):重复的完成某些动作 3.1 条件语句 条件语句大体有四种格式: if 语句 if-else 语句 if-elif-else 语句 nested 语句 x = 1 1. # 给定二元条件,满足做事,不满足不做事。 if x > 0: print( 'x is positive' ) 1....
3.条件语句(Conditional statement) 条件语句用于根据给定的条件执行特定的代码块。在Python中,条件语句通常使用if、else和elif关键字来定义。根据条件的真假,程序将选择相应的代码块进行执行。 4.循环(Loop) 循环是一种重复执行特定代码块的方法。Python提供了两种类型的循环:for循环和while循环。for循环用于按照指定的...
3 chapter conditional-statements Comparison Operation(Boolean expression)Python Meaning < less than <= less than or Equal to == Equal to >= Greater than or Equal to > Greater than != Not Equal then return true or false In python the spacing does matter!we indicate when it is that we wan...
This kind of loop ensures that the body of the loop is executed at least once. It can be implemented using an infinite loop along with a conditional break at the end. This is similar to the do...while loop in C. Flowchart of Loop with Condition at Bottom ...
□ 重复直至发生某种情况时结束的循环,称为条件循环(conditional loop),因为只要条件为真,这种循环会一直持续下去。 8.1 计数循环/for循环 for looper in [1,2,3,4,5]: print("Hello") 每次循环称为一次迭代(iteraton). for looper in [1,2,3,4,5]: ...
8.4 Conditional Expressions (aka“theTernary Operator”) 条件表达式(也被称作“三元操作符”) If you are coming from the C/C++ or Java world, it is difficult to ignore or ge 职场 休闲 循环 条件 原创 Lync 2011-01-05 15:50:07 267阅读 条件...