You can use os.path.join and the + to concatenate import os root = 'home/user/Documents' file = 'A1.txt' filepath = os.path.join(rootFoldPath, file) Now if you do: print(filepath) You get: 'home/user/Documents/FileName + '-A1.txt' Alternatively you could use the + to ...
这里statement1和statement2两个变量都为字符串,但是quantity这个变量为整数,因此print statement1 + quantity + statement2会报错TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects, 提示不能将字符串和整数拼接合并。解决的办法是使用str()这个函数将quantity从整数转化为字符串,举例如下: ...
它只用于两个字符串文本,不能用于字符串表达式: >>> prefix ='Py'>>> prefix'thon'#can't concatenate a variable and a string literal... SyntaxError: invalid syntax>>> ('un'* 3)'ium'... SyntaxError: invalid syntax 如果你想连接多个变量或者连接一个变量和一个字符串文本,使用+: >>> prefix ...
String Concatenation To concatenate, or combine, two strings you can use the + operator. ExampleGet your own Python Server Merge variableawith variablebinto variablec: a ="Hello" b ="World" c = a + b print(c) Try it Yourself »...
If you want to concatenate variables or a variable and a literal, use +:如果要连接变量或变量和文字,请使用+:>>> prefix + 'thon''Python'Strings can be indexed (subscripted), with the first character having index 0. There is no separate character type; a character is simply a string of...
string2 = "Engineer" # using the comma to concatenate two strings together print(string1, string2) From the output, two strings,“string1”and“string2”, are concatenated using the comma“,”within theprint()function. As a result, it returns a string like this:“Software Engineer”. ...
print(my_variable) 2.TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' 错误原因: 对不同类型的变量进行不支持的操作,例如将整数和字符串相加。 解决方案: 确保操作数类型兼容,可以使用类型转换函数 (例如 str()、int()、float()) 进行转换。
Create a variable which is only a certain portion of a string variable in Stata 0 Stata: Concatenate string variable on by condition 0 How to use local variable inside a string in Stata 0 How to store several variable names in Stata? 0 How to collapse string variables such tha...
['Red', 'White', 'Black'] # Concatenate the list elements using the + operator and store the result in the 'colors' variable colors = list_of_colors[0] + '-' + list_of_colors[1] + '-' + list_of_colors[2] # Print a message and the concatenated 'colors' with '-' between ...
>>>prefix='Py'>>>prefix'thon'# can't concatenate a variable and a string literal...SyntaxError:invalid syntax>>>('un'*3)'ium'...SyntaxError:invalid syntax 如果你想连接多个变量或者连接一个变量和一个字符串文本,使用 +: 代码语言:javascript ...