However, in Python, if you try to concatenate a string with an integer using the+operator, you will get a runtime error. Example Let’s look at an example for concatenating a string (str) and an integer (int) using the+operator. current_year_message='Year is 'cu...
# 不推荐写法,代码耗时:2.6秒import stringfrom typing import List def concatString(string_list: List[str]) -> str:result = ''for str_i in string_list:result += str_ireturn result def main():string_list = list(string.ascii_letters * 100)for ...
defstr_stringio_r(epoch:int) ->str: s = StringIO('a') for_inrange(epoch): s.write('a'* np.random.randint(1,100)) returns.getvalue() defstr_concat(epoch:int) ->str: s ='' for_inrange(epoch): s +='a'* np.random.randint(1,100) ...
因此, 为了节约运行时间,对于 or 语句,应该将值为 True 可能性比较高的变量写在 or 前,而 and 应该推后。 # 推荐写法,代码耗时:0.03秒 from typing import List def concatString(string_list: List[str]) -> str: abbreviations = {'cf.', 'e.g.', 'ex.', 'etc.', 'flg.', 'i.e.', '...
def concat(*args): string = '' for each in args: string += str(each) return int(string) For example concat(20, 10, 30) will return 201030 an an integer OR You can use the one line program int(''.join(str(x) for x in (20,10,30))) This will also return 201030. Share...
三、编程题 (略) 42 1 习题配套教材(ISBN :978-7-115-48577 -9) 第 4 章串、数组和广义表 习题四 一、选择题 1 S1=“abdcefg” S2=“MLHWP” .现有两个串分别为 , ,对其执行 以下操作(S1.SubString(0,S2.Get StringLentgh())).StringConcat(S1.SubString(S2.GetStringLentgh()- 1,2))后的...
导入了string、random和collections模块,分别用于生成包含所有字母和数字的字符串、生成随机字符,以及进行计数操作。 定义了变量x,它包含了所有字母和数字的字符串。 使用列表推导式生成一个包含1000个随机字符的字符串y。 使用collections.Counter()函数对字符串y进行计数,生成一个字典count,其中键是字符,值是字符在字符...
String operation Sequence Operations I s2 in s Return true if s contains s2 s + s2 Concat s and s2 min(s) Smallest character of s max(s) Largest character of s s2 not in s Return true if s does not contain s2 s * integer Return integer copies of s concatenated # 'hello' => '...