模(Magnitude):复数的模可以使用abs()函数计算,返回复数到原点的距离,即sqrt{a^2 + b^2}。 相位(Phase):可以使用cmath.phase()函数计算复数的相位,即复数向量和正实轴之间的角度。需要先import cmath模块。 import cmath a = 1 + 1j b = complex(3, 4) # 打印实部和虚部 print("实部:", b.real)...
浮点型 floating number 复数complex number 任何实现了__abs__()的对象 返回一个数的绝对值。具体情况下: 整型integer:返回整数绝对值 浮点型 floating number:返回浮点绝对值 复数complex number:复数的模(magnitude) 注:复数的模(magnitude)是该复数与共轭复数的乘积的正平方根,就是 (a^2+b^2) 开平方根。
complex_number=complex(real_part,imaginary_part)magnitude=abs(complex_number) 1. 2. 3. 4. 代码解释: cmath模块是Python标准库中的一个模块,用于进行复数运算。我们可以使用cmath模块中的complex()函数将实部和虚部组合成一个复数。 abs()函数用于计算复数的模长。 步骤3: 输出结果 最后,我们将计算得到的...
numbers=[2+3j,4+5j,1-1j,6-2j,3+4j]max_number=numbers[0]fornumberinnumbers:ifabs(number)>abs(max_number):max_number=numberprint("The complex number with the maximum magnitude is:",max_number) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 输出为: The complex number with the maximum magnitude is...
Return the absolute value of a number. The argument may be an integer or a floating point number. If the argument is a complex number, its magnitude is returned. 译文:返回一个数字的绝对值。参数可以是整数或浮点数。如果参数是复数,则返回它的smagnitude ...
Using Python Complex Numbers as 2D Vectors Getting the Coordinates Calculating the Magnitude Finding the Distance Between Two Points Translating, Flipping, Scaling, and RotatingExploring the Math Module for Complex Numbers: cmath Extracting the Root of a Complex Number Converting Between Rectangular and ...
英文文档 abs(x) Return the absolute value of a number. The argument may be an integer or a floating point number. If the argument is a complex number, its magnitude is returned 简单的说一点: 1.返回值是一个绝对值,参数却可以是一个整数,浮点数,重点是还可以是复数 ...
Write a Python program to test whether a number is within 100 of 1000 or 2000. Python abs(x) function: The function returns the absolute value of a number. The argument may be an integer or a floating point number. If the argument is a complex number, its magnitude is returned. ...
Return the absolute value of a number. The argument may be an integer or a floating point number. If the argument is a complex number, its magnitude is returned. 返回一个数字的绝对值,传入的参数x可以是整数或者浮点数,如果这个参数(x)是复数,则返回这个复数所的量度(magnitude,或者叫量纲,问了一...