参考原文《Style Guide for Python Code》。Guido:“code is read much more often than it is written”缩进 每个缩进级别使用四个空格。函数 正例:函数调用时多个参数分多行书写,第一种方式,参数需要对齐:foo = long_function_name(var_one, var_two, var_three, var_four)...
# No extra indentation.# 啥都不干。if(this_is_one_thingandthat_is_another_thing):do_something()# Add a comment, which will provide some distinction in editors# supporting syntax highlighting.# 加一行注释,在一些编辑器里注释是有高亮的,所以就隔开了。if(this_is_one_thingandthat_is_another_t...
另外,你有没有留意到上面代码还有一些空行,在代码块和代码块之间有意识地留出空行,可以让我们的代码更具可阅读性。 关于Python代码的书写格式,有专门的文档在介绍,比如PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code。有兴趣可以看看,我这一线网工非开发人员,并没研究过它。 4.2 注释(comment) 代码除了写给编译器去看去...
http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/pyguide.html Google内部广泛使用Python作为开发语言,此Coding Style 在坊间流传很广,知名度5颗星,可操作性5颗星。值得一提的是Guido也曾经在Google工作过一段时间。 2.Flake8 - Coding Style检查自动化的利器 你可能听说过pep8,这是一个根据PEP8规范检查python...
According to thePython PEP 8 Style Guide, there are several things to keep in mind while writing comments: Comments should always be complete and concise sentences. It’s better to have no comment at all than one that’s difficult to understand or inaccurate. ...
# BAD COMMENT: Now go through the b array and make sure whenever i occurs # the next element is i+1 类 如果一个类不继承自其它类,就显式的从object继承,嵌套类也一样。 classSampleClass(object): pass classOuterClass(object): classInnerClass(object): ...
No:foo = 1000 # comment long_name = 2 # comment that should not be aligned dictionary = { 'foo' : 1, 'long_name': 2, } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.3.7 Shebang大部分.py文件不需要从#!行来开始.根据PEP-394,程序的主文件应该以#!/usr/bin/python2或#!/usr/bin/python3起始...
Unused argument warnings can be suppressed by deleting the variables at the beginning of the function. Always include a comment explaining why you are deleting it. “Unused.” is sufficient. For example: defviking_cafe_order(spam: str, beans: str, eggs: str|None=None)->str:delbeans, eggs...
注释(Comment) 如果使用注释来编写类属性的文档, 请在#符号后添加一个冒号":"。 (请用中文优雅注释) classUser(object):pass#: the name of the user as unicode stringname=Column(String)#: the sha1 hash of the password + inline saltpw_hash=Column(String) ...
that_is_another_thing):do_something()# Add a comment,which will provide some distinctionineditors # supporting syntax highlighting.if(this_is_one_thing and that_is_another_thing):# Since both conditions aretrue,we can frobnicate.do_something()# Add some extra indentation on the conditional ...