Identify the code block: First, identify the code block you wish to comment out. This could be a function, a loop, or any segment of your code that you want to disable or explain. Comment each line: Place a # symbol at the beginning of each line you wish to comment out. This tells...
Problem DescriptionSolutionExampleConclusionHow to Comment Out a Block of Code in Python 结论 通过本文的介绍,我们了解了在Python中如何使用注释来屏蔽一段代码的两种方法:多行注释和if语句。这些方法可以帮助我们在需要时暂时屏蔽一段代码而不删除它,提高了代码的灵活性和可维护性。希望本文对你有所帮助!
Learn the essentials of commenting out blocks of code in Python using single-line comments, multi-line string literals, and their importance for code readability.
Open a pane at the top of the edit window which shows the block context of the codewhich has scrolled above the top of the window. See Code Context in the Editing andNavigation section below 打开编辑窗口顶部的一个窗格,该窗格显示在窗口顶部滚动的代码块上下文。请参见下面编辑和导航部分中的代码...
When applying a decorator, you place @decorator on the line before the function definition.By the end of this tutorial, you’ll understand that:Python decorators allow you to wrap a function with another function to extend or modify its behavior without altering the original function’s code. ...
Block Comments|块注释 块注释通常适用于其后的一些(或所有)代码,并缩进到与该代码相同的级别。块注释的每一行都以“#”和一个空格开头(除非它是注释内的缩进文本)。 块注释内的段落由包含单个“#”的行分隔。 # This is a block comment # It applies to the following code block ...
1. Introduction 介绍2. A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds 尽信书,则不如无书3. Code lay-out 代码布局3.1 Indentation 缩进3.2 Tabs or Spaces? 制表符还是空格?3.3 Maximum Line Length 行的最大长度3.4 Should a line break before or after a binary operator? 在二元运算符之前应...
suite refers to a block of code with one or multiple statements test refers to a simple statement that is evaluated expr refers to a simple expression If you want to explore those in detail, the whole of the Python grammar is defined in this single file. If you want to see a recent ex...
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