This is also true for comments. Avoid using multiple statements to describe your code, and try to merge comments that explain the same code into a single comment. However, it’s important to be careful when you’re merging comments: careless merging of multiple comments can result in a huge...
Toggles the window between normal size and maximum height The initial sizedefaults to 40 lines by 80 chars unless changed on the General tab of the ConfigureIDLE dialog.The maximum height for a screen is determined by momentarilymaximizing a window the first time one is zoomed on the screen Ch...
# No extra indentation.# 啥都不干。if(this_is_one_thingandthat_is_another_thing):do_something()# Add a comment, which will provide some distinction in editors# supporting syntax highlighting.# 加一行注释,在一些编辑器里注释是有高亮的,所以就隔开了。if(this_is_one_thingandthat_is_another_t...
通用的属性有位置信息,例如col_offset和end_col_offset指的是该代码片段在列的起始和结束位置,type_comment指的是该代码是否有type 类型的注释(可以为函数参数、返回值、变量等添加类型提示,主要目的在于帮助开发工具通过静态检查发现代码中的 Bug)。
be uploaded client.upload_model_explanation(global_explanation, comment='global explanation: all features') # or you can only upload the explanation object with the top k feature info #client.upload_model_explanation(global_explanation, top_k=2, comment='global explanation: Only top 2 features'...
For inline comments, leave at least two spaces between the code and the comment. Use inline comments sparingly, and avoid using them to state the obvious. AVOID: Don't comment on code that is self explanatory. Stick to the principle of writingDRY(Don'tRepeatYourself) and avoidWET(WriteEvery...
pd.read_sql_query('''select cast(date as date) as NaturalDay, symbol from table where date between begin and end’’’) 其有一个类型为ast.Attribute子节点,对应代码是pd.read_sql_query。这个节点又有一个ast.Name的子节点,对应代码是pd。可见,语法树是把一段代码按照语法结构解析的树状结果,以便编...
The Python extension is working on improving the behavior of sending code to the Python REPL (Shift+Enter) when no code has been explicitly selected to run. Previously, when you placed your cursor on a line of Python code and pressed Shift+Enter, the Python extension would send the exact ...
It’s not limited to preprocessing but could be commented on in any data science steps. From data retrieval to model monitoring, commenting on things for anybody to understand is good practice. Remember that as a data scientist, our comment could become the bridge between the code and analytica...