Python中单行注释以 # (hash, pound) 开头,例如: #这是一个单行注释a comment lineprint("Hello!")#这是一个单行注释 a comment line 示例: #this is the first commentspam = 1#and this is the second comment#... and now a third!text ="# This is not a comment because it's inside quotes...
sep: string inserted between values, default a space. end: string appended after the last value, default a newline. flush: whether to forcibly flush the stream. --- 用 __doc__ 属性查看说明文档 ---print(value, ..., sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False) Prints the v...
"""This is a multiline string that also works as a multiline comment. """ 如果您的注释跨越多行,最好使用单个多行注释,而不是几个连续的单行注释,这样更难阅读,如下所示: """This is a good way to write a comment that spans multiple lines. """ # This is not a good way # to write...
rectangle def plot_image(image, title=''): pylab.title(title, size=20), pylab.imshow(image) pylab.axis('off') # comment this line if you want axis ticks im = rgb2gray(imread('../images/clock2.jpg')) im[im <= 0.5] = 0 # ...
Using hash symbol in each line can define a multi-line comment. But there is another way to add a multi-line comment in Python, that is using triple quotation marks. You can use either ''' or """ .三重引号 ''' 通常可以用来定义多行文档注释 Docstring ...
This is a comment, too. I said that already.''' 转义符 ''; 自然字符串, 通过在字符串前加r或R。 如 r"this is a line with " 则 会显示,并不是换行。 python允许处理unicode字符串,加前缀u或U, 如 u"this is an unicode string"。
@dlt.table(comment="Raw data on sales", schema=""" customer_id STRING, customer_name STRING, number_of_line_items STRING, order_datetime STRING, order_number LONG, order_day_of_week STRING GENERATED ALWAYS AS (dayofweek(order_datetime)) """, partition_cols = ["order_day_of_week...
"""A one-line summary of the module. (简单的概述模块) A longer description of the module.(模块的细节) """ import sys # 注意通过空行增加可读性 4.块注释和行注释 对块注释和行注释也进行了差异化: 块注释解释整块的,没那么一目了然的代码: """ This is a block comment that spans multiple ...
# This is a very long long long long long long long long long long long long# long long long long long long long comment 合并短行 使用此功能合并短文本行,如以下示例所示: Python # Short line of text# more text# text 文本被重格式化为一行: ...
#This is a single-line comment.Code language: Python (python) Multi-line comments You can use multi-line comments to add extra details and explanations to your code. These start with a hash symbol (#) and end with a newline character. Besides, Multi-line comments can be used to temporar...