Python中的注释有单行注释(line comment)和多行注释(paragraph comment,block comment): Python中单行注释以 # (hash, pound) 开头,例如: #这是一个单行注释a comment lineprint("Hello!")#这是一个单行注释 a comment line 示例: #this is the first commentspam = 1#and this is the second comment#.....
规范中提及的注释分为三种,依次是 Block Comments, Inline Comments, Documentation Strings,接下来让我们详细了解一下. Block Comments 原文: Block comments generally apply to some (or all) code that follows them, and are indented to the same level as that code. Each line of a block comment starts ...
# Here is a comment about this code: # 1 someCode() # Here is a lengthier block comment that spans multiple lines using # 2 # several single-line comments in a row. # # 3 # These are known as block comments. if someCondition: # Here is a comment about some other code: # 4 ...
Reformat the current blank-line-delimited paragraph in comment block or multilinestring or selected line in a string. All lines in the paragraph will be formatted to lessthan N columns, where N defaults to 72. 重新格式化注释块或多行字符串或字符串中选定行中当前以空行分隔的段落。段落中的所有行...
"""A one-line summary of the module. (简单的概述模块) A longer description of the module.(模块的细节) """ import sys # 注意通过空行增加可读性 4.块注释和行注释 对块注释和行注释也进行了差异化: 块注释解释整块的,没那么一目了然的代码: """ This is a block comment that spans multiple ...
Comment A source code comment CommentBlock A block of consecutive comments Comp The base class for list, set and dictionary comprehensions, and generator expressions.Compare A comparison operation, such as x<y CompareNode A control flow node corresponding to a comparison operation, such as x<...
Create a new file editing window创建⼀个新的⽂件编辑窗⼝。Open..打开…Open an existing file with an Open dialog使⽤“打开"对话框打开现有⽂件。Recent Files 最近的⽂件 Open a list of recent files. Click one to open it 打开最近使⽤的⽂件列表。单击⼀个打开它。Open Module ...
At the top of the file, add a comment block with your name, and any notes regarding your solution (e.g. restrictions not followed, instructions on how to use the code, etc.) Tip: If your submission is a codegolf, it'd be helpful to fellow coders if you also appended to your code...
commentinforlist=driver.find_element_by_css_selector('.comment_detail_list').find_elements_by_class_name('comment_block')fordataincommentinforlist:commentdict={}#获取评论用户名和用户评论总况try:commentusername=data.find_element_by_css_selector('div.user_info >').text ...
Kivy is constructed of routines, however Kivy has a method that allows it to be started as an async coroutine. Thus, the Kivy and Async loops do not block one another. This does not mean any other Kivy routines become coroutines.