Click 不仅将一个普通的函数转化为一个命令行工具,还为它提供了选项、参数等,并且自动生成了帮助信息。 Click 支持选项和参数两种类型的脚本参数,使用 option 装饰器来使相应的函数增加命令行选项,使用 argument 装饰器使相应的函数增加命令参数。在以上示例中 count 是选项,而 name 是参数。从运行结果上来看选项会...
"" click.echo(f'Hello, {name}!') if __name__ == '__main__': hello() 在上面的例子中,@click.command()装饰器定义了一个命令,@click.option()则定义了一个可选参数--name,如果用户没有提供该参数,会通过prompt属性提示用户输入。 3.2.2 自定义类型转换与验证 Click允许开发者自定义参数类型,并...
The commands are basic building blocks of an application. Click defines commands through decorators. They are created with theclick.commanddecorator. Values are passed to the commands via options or arguments. Options are added with theclick.optiondecorator, arguments with theclick.argument. Values in...
首先,你需要安装click库。可以使用pip进行安装: pip install click 然后,创建一个使用click的命令行工具: import click@click.command()@click.option('--name', prompt='Your name', help='Your name')@click.option('--age', type=int, prompt='Your age', help='Your age')def main(name, age):cli...
click模块 先开一个简单的使用示例: #!/usr/bin/pythonimportclick@click.command()@click.option("--name", default="zhangsan",help="name attribute: 非必要属性")@click.option("--age",help="age attribute",type=int)@click.option("--sex",help="sex attribute")@click.option("-t",help="type...
@click.command()@click.argument('src',envvar='SRC',type=click.File('r'))defecho(src):click.echo( And from the command line: $ export SRC=hello.txt $ echo Hello World! In that case, it can also be a list of different environment variables where the first one is picked...
另外,click也提供类似的显示进度条的工具(click.progress_bar),但我觉得它的外观不太容易懂,而且要写的代码也多一些。 我希望这篇文章能让你在改进开发者的体验上多花点时间。 原文: ...
click.echo('Debug mode is %s' % ('on' if debug else 'off')) @cli.command() # @cli, not @click! def sync(): click.echo('Syncing') 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 执行效果如下: Usage: [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... ...
$ click_ Click is a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way with as little code as necessary. It's the "Command Line Interface Creation Kit". It's highly configurable but comes with sensible defaults out of the box. It aims to make the process of...
# @click.command(cls=MyCLI)# defcli():# passif__name__=='__main__':cli() 2.5 合并命令组/多命令 当有多个命令组,每个命令组中有一些命令,你想把所有的命令合并在一个集合中时,click.CommandCollection就派上了用场: 代码语言:javascript ...