14 return a, b, n, m 15 def simNGames(n, probA, probB): 16 winsA, winsB = 0, 0 17 scoreA_ls=[] 18 scoreB_ls=[] 19 for i in range(n): 20 scoreA, scoreB = simOneGame(probA, probB) 21 scoreA_ls.append(scoreA) 22 scoreB_ls.append(scoreB) 23 if scoreA > scoreB...
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python (Second Edition) Cracking Codes with Python Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python Making Games with Python & Pygame 23. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python 一个很棒的基于文本的材料,您可以参考Python搭便车指南。它包含对...
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python (Second Edition) Cracking Codes with Python Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python Making Games with Python & Pygame 23. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python 一个很棒的基于文本的材料,您可以参考Python搭便车指南。它包含对...
:\>pyinstaller D:\codes\dpython.py 生成一个独立可执行文件 :\>pyinstaller -F dpython.py 如果遇到生成文件运行后闪退的问题:可以在程序最后加上 n=input("请输入按键退出") 截图如下: 三、足球比赛出线问题 规则: 赛制:单循环积分赛 胜场得4分,平局得1分,负场不得分 ...
Computer Games with Python" https://nostarch.com/inventwithpython Tags: short, game, puzzle""" import random NUM_DIGITS = 3 # (!) Try setting this to 1 or 10. MAX_GUESSES = 10 # (!) Try setting this to 1 or 100. def main(): ...
事实上,无论是keybd_event还是mouse_event(用于处理鼠标的winAPI)都是SendInput的简单封装。我们用SendInput可以解决更复杂的操作,就比如模拟DirectX的DirectInput键盘事件。DX键盘码:http://www.gamespp.com/directx/directInputKeyboardScanCodes.html SendInput原形:UINT SendInput(UINT nInputs, LPINPUT pInputs,...
The first line above is similar to all the previous image-loading codes. The second line sets up a copy of the image so that you can animate the bad guy much more easily. Update and show the bad guys. Add the code given below after section #6.2: ...
A,B=simNGames(probA, probB) if A>B: roundA+=1 else: roundB+=1 return roundA,roundB def Nround(probA,probB): winsA, winsB = 0, 0 for i in range(7): scoreA, scoreB = oneround(probA,probB) if scoreA > scoreB:
Game23 add intro links for game23 Apr 10, 2020 Game24 add intro links Apr 14, 2020 Game3 add some explain in game3 Apr 9, 2020 Game4 clean the codes in game4 Apr 9, 2020 Game5 fix the bugs in tank war Apr 17, 2020 Game6 update intro link Jan 27, 2020 ...