实例2:while...else被break打断 count =0whilecount <=5: count +=1ifcount ==3:print('终止循环')breakelse:print("loop ", count)else:print("循环正常执行完了")print("---end---") 返回结果如下:---loop1loop2终止循环---end--- 不用非要从语义理解记忆,将while...else作为一组语句,正常...
One thing we should remember that a while loop tests its condition before the body of the loop (block of program statements) is executed. If the initial test returns false, the body is not executed at all. For example the following code never prints out anything since before executing the ...
Thewhileloop is similar to anifstatement: it executes the code inside of it if some condition is true. The difference is that thewhileloop will continue to executeas long asthe condition is true. In other words, instead of executingifsomething is true, it executeswhilethat thing is true. ...
python while loop I have difficulties understanding how this code outputs the values below. Code: i = 0 x = 0 while i < 4: print(x) x+=i i+=1 Output: 0 0 1 3 pythonwhile 29th Mar 2021, 11:47 AM Gorden Yong Kung Hee3
Using thewhileloop 使用while循环 for循环 (Theforloop) Let us first see what's the syntax, 首先让我们看看语法是什么 for [ELEMENT] in [ITERATIVE-LIST]: [statement to execute] else: [statement to execute when loop is over] [else statement is completely optional] ...
whilei <6: i +=1 ifi ==3: continue print(i) Try it Yourself » The else Statement With theelsestatement we can run a block of code once when the condition no longer is true: Example Print a message once the condition is false: ...
count+= 1#每次loop 计数器+1else:print("猜这么多次都不对,你个笨蛋.") #Author: George.Wang'''i=0 while True: print("i=",i) i=i+1 #=i +=1 if i>10: break'''my_age_count = 0 my_age = 10 while True: if my_age_count ==3: break...
(源文件:code/while.py) 输出 $ pythonwhile.py Enter an integer :50No, itisa little lower than that. Enter an integer :22No, itisa little higher than that. Enter an integer :23Congratulations, you guessed it. Thewhileloopisover.
while 后面的else 作用是指,当while 循环正常执行完,中间没有被break 中止的话,就会执行else后面的语句 举个例子 count = 0 while count <= 5: count += 1 print('loop',count) else: print('循环正常执行完毕') print('---out of while loop---') 1. 2...
In Python, we use indentation to define a block of code, such as the body of a loop. For example, languages = ['Swift', 'Python', 'Go'] # Start of loop for lang in languages: print(lang) print('---') # End of for loop print('Last statement') Example...