比如,当你发现有一段长函数包含了多个独立任务时,可以通过提取方法(Extract Method)来分解它,使得每个函数只完成单一职责,代码变得更具可读性。 # 重构前的冗长函数示例defprocess_data(data):cleaned_data=remove_invalid_chars(data)sorted_data=sort_by_date(cleaned_data)summarized_data=summarize_stats(sorted_da...
比如,当你发现有一段长函数包含了多个独立任务时,可以通过提取方法(Extract Method)来分解它,使得每个函数只完成单一职责,代码变得更具可读性。 # 重构前的冗长函数示例defprocess_data(data):cleaned_data=remove_invalid_chars(data)sorted_data=sort_by_date(cleaned_data)summarized_data=summarize_stats(sorted_da...
Do you need to transfer an extensive data collection for a science project? What's the best way to send executable code over the wire for distributed processing? What are the different ways to serialize data in Python? Christopher Trudeau is back on the show this week, bringing another batch...
import spacyimport pytextrank 3.加载英文模型并读取文本文件:nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')with open('example.txt','r') as file: text = file.read()doc = nlp(text)4.提取关键词:tr = pytextrank.TextRank()doc._.textrank_summary = tr.summarize(doc, count=10)for phrase in ...
现代Python 秘籍(三) 原文:zh.annas-archive.org/md5/185a6e8218e2ea258a432841b73d4359 译者:飞龙 协议:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 第四章:内置数据结构 - 列表、集合、字典 在本章中,我们将研究以下内容: 选择数据结构 构建列
test results can be reported to higher-level tools. WARNING: unitrun() will trigger a sys.exit() on test failure in order to properly exit with an error code. This routine is meant to be used as a main() routine, not as a library. ...
... '''>>> yaml.load(yaml_text) [('key1','string value'), ('numerator',355), ('denominator',113)]** 请注意,很难在不指定大量细节的情况下,进一步创建OrderedDict。以下是创建OrderedDict实例的 YAML。 !!python/object/apply:collections.OrderedDict ...
先长话短说summarize一下:你需要学习 基本的爬虫工作原理 基本的http抓取工具,scrapy Bloom Filter:Bloom...
The Python distribution bundles more than 100 codecs (encoder/decoder) for text to byte conversion and vice versa. Each codec has a name, like 'utf_8', and often aliases, such as 'utf8', 'utf-8', and 'U8', which you can use as the encoding argument in functions like open(), st...