if__name__=='__main__':example_python_code=""" def add(a, b): return a + b """# 解析Python代码ast_tree=parse_python_code(example_python_code)# 生成伪代码pseudo_code_generator=CodeToPseudoCode()pseudo_code=pseudo_code_generator.visit(ast_tree)# 保存伪代码save_pseudo_code(pseudo_cod...
= '': dataNum =int(data) if int(data) <0 or int(data) >= len(hostList): print("invaild index range") break else: ipAdd = gethostbyname(hostList[dataNum]) print("The IP address of " + hostList[dataNum] + " is " + str(ipAdd)) data = input("Please enter the index number...
目前比较好的Python IDE有: Visual Studio Code:https://code.visualstudio.com/,需要安装Python插件。 PyCharm:http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/ 另外,Eclipse加上pydev插件也可以调试Python程序。
Here's a sample of Python code.if agent.inspect("forward") == "diamond ore"agent.say("I found diamond!")agent.destroy("forward")Take 5 minutes to read the code and try to write the pseudocode (plain English) for this piece of Python code....
人们还经常把 Python 笑称为「可执行伪码(executable pseudocode)」。但是,当你可以编写这样的代码时,很难去反驳这种言论:x = [True, True, False]if any(x): print("At least one True")if all(x): print("Not one False")if any(x) and not all(x): print("At least one True ...
How could you achieve the same outcome with code? First, you lay out the necessary steps in pseudocode:Import the tooling you need. Get the website’s data. Print the text of the website.After clarifying the logic, you translate the pseudocode to Python using the requests library:...
以图形方式描述程序中发生的步骤的图表 A) flowchart 流程图 B) algorithm 算法 C) source code源代码 D) pseudocode 伪码 答案:A 解析: 81 . 单[选题]以下关于同步赋值语句描述错误的选项是: A) 同步赋值能够使得赋值过程变得更简洁 B)判断多个单一赋值语句是否相关的方法是看其功能上是否相关或相同 C)设 ...
人们还经常把 Python 笑称为「可执行伪码(executable pseudocode)」。但是,当你可以编写这样的代码时,很难去反驳这种言论: x = [True, True, False] if any(x): print("At least one True") if all(x): print("Not one False") if any(x) and not all(x): ...
Getting from pseudocode to actual working example was surprisingly hard, especially since most implementations on the web are on lower level languages, and Python results are mostly just using a library. Simplifying the pseudo code further If you want to avoid thenew...update...digestand skip th...
One nice feature of decision tree models is that they are often fairly easy to interpret — we can even instruct NLTK to print them out as pseudocode: >>> print classifier.pseudocode(depth=4) if endswith(,) == True: return ',' if endswith(,) == False: if endswith(the) == True...