self._bmi_calculator = bmi_calculator def calculate_bmi(self): return self._bmi_calculator.calculate(self.weight, self.height) def get_bmi_category(self): bmi = self.calculate_bmi() return self._bmi_calculator.get_category(bmi) # 示例用法 person1 = Person("Alice", 65, 1.65) bmi = per...
Suppose you have $100, which you can invest with a 10% return each year. After one year, it's 100×1.1=110 dollars, and after two years it's 100×1.1×1.1=121. Add code to calculate how much money you end up with after 7 years, and print the result. # Addition, subtraction pri...
再调用一次加减函数进行计算 import re def atom_cal(exp): #计算乘除法 if "*" in exp:...
Write a Python program to calculate the difference between a given number and 17. If the number is greater than 17, return twice the absolute difference. Click me to see the sample solution 17. Number Range Tester Write a Python program to test whether a number is within 100 of 1000 or ...
returnbmidefinterpret_bmi(bmi):ifbmi<18.5:return"过轻"elif18.5<=bmi<24:return"正常"else:return"过重"height=float(input("请输入您的身高(米): "))weight=float(input("请输入您的体重(千克): "))bmi=calculate_bmi(height,weight)result=interpret_bmi(bmi)print(f"您的BMI指数为:{bmi}")print(...
安装Python插件:打开Visual Studio Code,点击左侧活动栏中的扩展图标(四个方块拼成的图标),搜索Python,点击安装。 配置Python环境:在Visual Studio Code中打开需要开发的Python文件,点击右下角的Python版本选择需要使用的Python解释器。 创建和运行Python文件:创建一个新的Python文件(文件名以.py结尾),输入代码,右键选择“...
Create array from height with correct units: np_height_mnp_height_m = np.array(height) * 0.0254#Create array from weight with correct units: np_weight_kgnp_weight_kg = np.array(weight) * 0.453592#Calculate the BMI: bmibmi = np_weight_kg / np_height_m ** 2#Print out bmiprint(bmi)...
# Calculate bmi bmi = np_weight / np_height ** 2 #Subsetting # For a boolean response print(bmi > 28)# [False False True False False False] # Print only those observations above 26 print(bmi[bmi > 26]) #[ 27.88755755 28.75558507] ...
It calculates the BMI for only one person, I want to create a program that can calculate the BMI of a 100 people at the same time 15th Aug 2022, 2:05 PM Adeyinka Ayobami + 1 Thank you 29th Aug 2022, 9:19 AM Adeyinka Ayobami 0 Thank you Lisa...
# calculate bmi bmi = np_weight / np_height_m ** 2 # print out bmi print(bmi) print(type(bmi)) BMI数值和类型 2.8.4 subset array 前面的章节介绍了怎样筛选列表中的多个元素,下面介绍np数组中如何选择元素。 首先,数组的一个很大的优势在于,我们可以借助由逻辑值组成的数组对现有数组进行筛选。例如...