You also need to installaapt(seeInstall aaptbelow). Usage fromapkfileimportApkFile,XapkFile,ApkmFile,ApksFile# Get apk infoapk_file=ApkFile(path='/home/david/Downloads/wa.apk')print(apk_file.package_name,apk_file.version_name,apk_file.version_code)print(apk_file.as_dict())# Get apkm...
tiangolo/fastapi - FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production yt-dlp/yt-dlp - A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes home-assistant/core - 🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. pallets/flask - Th...
例如,使用以下命令:python3 -apk file.apk -source /path/to/source/code 其中,/path/to/source/code应替换为您实际源代码的路径。此外,若您希望在扫描完成后生成详细的PDF和HTML格式的报告,只需在命令中添加-report参数即可。例如:python3 -apk file.apk -source /path/to...
Save the above code locally or copy it toOnline Python Editorand run it to see the effect (Pillow needs to be installed before running) 2. Load image from URL If it is a local application, we can userequests, a built-in Python library, to load network images. Since this online Python...
print("fail! error code = " + data["error_code"] + ";error msg = " + data["error_msg"]); #endif } else if (state == ResponseState.Cancel) { transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent<Text>().text = "取消!"; print("cancel!"); ...
演示 开源更多SPE信息url: SPE 的全称为 Stani's Python Editor,它是一个开放源码的 Python 集成开发环境,同时具有跨平台特性,支持 Linux、Mac、Windows 等系统。 SPE 包含一些很酷的 IDE...
总的来说,GitHub1s 这个仓库是基于 VS Code 构建的,灵感来源于 Code Server 这个 Repo,地址为:,这个就是一个Online 版的 VS Code。 那作者基于这个做了什么事呢? 他基于 VS Code 提供的 FileSystemProvider API 对接了 GitHub 的 REST API 实现了这些功能。其中前者是 ...
(support URL and local)$ python -m adbutils --parse $ python -m adbutils --parse some.apk package: com.example.some main-activity: com.example.some.MainActivity version-name: 1.0.0 version-code: 100# Uninstall 卸载应用$ python -m adbutils -u com....
codeskyblue 我需要切 webview 的时候,device_ip 已经是 atx_agentx 显示的 ip 地址了,端口是 init 启动的端口,同时我也尝试过指定 adb tcpip 5555,都是提示 Message: unknown error: Device is not online,请教一下怎么解决? lomyc #39· 2019年06月13日 我启动 weditor 后没有报错...
Thread Question Buildozer/Python APK "App Not Installed" I made a python code with Kivy Library for working with Android devices, when i make the .apk file using buildozer tool (Linux) and i try to install it in my phone it just pop up's "App Not Installed". I tried to install th...