Explanation :In the above code, string is passed as an argument to a recursive function to reverse the string. In the function, the base condition is that if the length of the string is equal to 0, the string is returned. If not equal to 0, the reverse function is recursively called ...
1 Python 解法一:reverse 函数 ## LeetCode 344E - Reversing String, 简单做法 reversefromtypingimportListclassSolution:defreverseString(self,s:List[str])->None:"""不返回任何结果,直接修改目标字符串"""s.reverse() 翻转除了 reverse 可以实现,[::-1]也是可以的。 不过这么写答案却通不过,所以还得稍微...
第六种方法:使用reduce reduce(lambdax,y : y+x, a_string) 第七种方法:使用递归(慢) defrev_string(s):iflen(s) == 1:returnsreturns[-1] + rev_string(s[:-1]) 第八种方法:使用list() 和reverser()配合 a_string='123456789'defrev_string(a_string): l=list(a) l.reverse()return''.jo...
Talk is cheap. Show me the code. —— Linus Torvalds 代码示例:print("I am Jack"[::-1])...
Python字符串内置方法 python字符串内置reverse 前段时间看到letcode上的元音字母字符串反转的题目,今天来研究一下字符串反转的内容。主要有三种方法: 1.切片法(最简洁的一种) #切片法 def reverse1(): s=input("请输入需要反转的内容:") return s[::-1]...
string[start:stop:step]# 要在大括号外创建切片,您需要创建切片对 slice_obj=slice(start,stop,step)string[slice_obj] 第三种方法:循环从字符串提取数据,然后进行字符串拼接(慢) 代码语言:javascript 复制 defreverse_a_string_slowly(a_string):new_string=''index=len(a_string)whileindex:index-=1# index...
Reverse String 二、解题 一个逆序输入,看上去问题不大 三、尝试与结果 1)首次尝试 classSolution(object):defreverseString(self,s):result=""foriinrange(len(s),0,-1):result=result+s[i-1]returnresult 结果:超时,看了一下输入用例,有15000行输入。个人尝试不会超时,用例中的换行直接贴过来python编译不...
Python Code: # Define a function named 'reverse' that takes an iterable 'itr' as input and returns its reversedefreverse(itr):# Using slicing with [::-1] reverses the input 'itr' and returns the reversed versionreturnitr[::-1]# Initialize a string variable 'str1' with the value '123...
Print the String to demonstrate the resultPrint the List txt = "Hello World"[::-1] print(txt) Create a FunctionIf you like to have a function where you can send your strings, and return them backwards, you can create a function and insert the code from the example above....