一、if语句 if语句表如果,如果满足某某条件,则执行后面得代码。格式为“ if 条件: ”。需要注意的是,满足条件后执行的代码是if语句下面缩进的代码,没有缩进的代码不在if语句的体系内,无论满不满足都会执行。if statement table If, if a condition is met, the following code is executed. The format is...
An if statement looks like this: if expression: statements 当某个条件为真时,可以使用if语句运行代码。 如果表达式的值为True,则执行某些语句。否则,它们不会被执行。 if语句是这样的: if expression: statements Python uses indentation (white space at the beginning of a line) to delimit blocks of cod...
Task:take the integer temp in celcius as input and output boiling water if the temperature is above or equal to 100 Sample input is 105 My code: temp=int(input(105) If t
Theif...elsestatement is used to execute a block of code among two alternatives. However, if we need to make a choice between more than two alternatives, we use theif...elif...elsestatement. Syntax ifcondition1:# code block 1elifcondition2:# code block 2else:# code block 3 Let's l...
python if条件判断语句 if的基本格式 if语句用来做判断,并选择要执行的语句分支。基本格式如下: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9if CONDITION1:code_block(1)elif CONDITION2:code_block(2)elif CONDITION3:...else:code_block_else 其中elif是可选的,可以有任意多个,else是可选的,表示全都不满足条件时该执行的分...
python if条件判断语句 if的基本格式 if语句用来做判断,并选择要执行的语句分支。基本格式如下: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9if CONDITION1:code_block(1)elif CONDITION2:code_block(2)elif CONDITION3:...else:code_block_else 其中elif是可选的,可以有任意多个,else是可选的,表示全都不满足条件时该执行的分...
Python relies on indentation (whitespace at the beginning of a line) to define scope in the code. Other programming languages often use curly-brackets for this purpose. Example If statement, without indentation (will raise an error): a =33 ...
fromIfifstmt,Stmtpass wherepass=ifstmt.getStmt(0)and passinstanceofPass selectifstmt,"This 'if' statement is redundant." 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 如果一切正常,Run按钮会变为绿色,表示我们可以运行查询 点击Run,可以看到查询操作的进度 ...
class IfVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): def visit_If(self, node): # 处理if语句的逻辑 print("Found if statement") self.generic_visit(node) # 继续遍历子节点 visitor = IfVisitor() visitor.visit(tree) 分析if语句的条件和主体:在visit_If()方法中,可以通过访问node.test属性获取if语句的条件表达式,并通过...
Python当中的判断语句非常简单,并且Python不支持switch,所以即使是多个条件,我们也只能罗列if-else。 # Let's just make a variable some_var = 5 # Here is an if statement. Indentation is significant in Python! # Convention is to use four spaces, not tabs. ...