whileTrue:ifcount ==3;break# 结束退出# 优化代码whilecount <3: 实例:打印100以内的偶数 count=0whilecount<=100: ifcount%2==0:# 除以2余数为0的数print("loop ",count)count+=1print("---end---") 实例:第50次不打印,第60-80打印对应值的平方 count=0whilecount<=100: ifcount==50: pass#...
print("loop:",i) # 输出: loop:0 loop:1 loop:2 loop:3 loop:4 loop:5 loop:6 loop:7 loop:8 loop:9 例2、还是上面的程序,但是遇到小于5的循环次数就不走了,直接跳入下一次循环: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 foriinrange(10): ifi <5: continue print("loop:",i) # 输出 loop:5 ...
如果我们没有适当的条件来满足continue语句,那么循环将进入一个无限重复的状态,形成死循环。 下面的状态图展示了一个简单的死循环示例,使用while循环和continue语句: code blockcontinueLoop 此示例中的[*]表示初始状态,Loop表示循环状态。循环状态中的箭头表示循环的继续。 除了状态图之外,我们还可以使用ER图来表示死循...
python循环语句敲图案python循环语句loop Python中的循环语句有 for 和 while。Python循环语句的控制结构图如下所示:while 循环Python中while语句的一般形式:while 判断条件:语句同样需要注意冒号和缩进。另外,在Python中没有do..while循环。以下实例使用了 while 来输出1-10之间所有的偶数:1 num=10 2 count=0 3 wh...
用 for 来实现,可以直接遍历数组中的元素,这种情况下 Python 会调底层的 C;而用 while,你需要一...
One thing we should remember that a while loop tests its condition before the body of the loop (block of program statements) is executed. If the initial test returns false, the body is not executed at all. For example the following code never prints out anything since before executing the ...
whilei <6: i +=1 ifi ==3: continue print(i) Try it Yourself » The else Statement With theelsestatement we can run a block of code once when the condition no longer is true: Example Print a message once the condition is false: ...
Anytime you have need to repeat a block of code a fixed amount of times. If you do not know the number of times it must be repeated, use a “while loop” statement instead. For loop Python Syntax The basic syntax of the for loop in Python looks something similar to the one mentioned...
languages = ['Swift','Python','Go']# start of the loopforlanginlanguages:print(lang)print('---')# end of the for loopprint('Last statement') Run Code Output Swift --- Python --- Go --- Last statement Here,print('Last statement')is outside the body of the loop. Therefore, thi...
If you keep all the above in mind, you can easily define the for loop as follows: A for loop is a programming concept that, when it's implemented, executes a piece of code over and over again "for" a certain number of times, based on a sequence. In contrast to the while loop, ...